Chapter 5

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Today was the day.

Today was the entrance exam...

Yuki continued to stare at his clock.

He had woken up an hour earlier in fear of being late. The first part of the exam began at 8am. And here he was waiting for the clock to strike 5:30 before he got out of bed.

*BeEp* *bEeP* *bEEp* *Bee-

Letting out a string of complaints he quickly silenced his alarm and ever so slowly removed the blankets from himself.

He slowly sat up letting his body greet the cool morning air.

"I need to pee" he quickly said as he jumped out of bed, jolting to the restroom.

"They said to wear your school uniform but-" Yuki looked at himself in the mirror. He wore a white collared shirt with a teal cardigan that could hopefully pass off as a school uniform, of sorts.

He quickly double checked his backpack for his supplies. He never recalled being this nervous for an exam before.

Maybe because your future kind depends on it now-


Making sure to lock the door he decided it was best to take public transit this time. He knew he wouldn't be coming back home until later in the afternoon. Nezu had made that clear after he called to inform him because of his missing school year, there was paperwork to be done.

The gates of U.A. High had never not made him feel smaller than he already felt and this time, it wasn't different.

He glanced around to see the early birds as him flipping through what seemed like last minute study notes...

Should I have done that!?

The nervous atmosphere was making his queasy and even more fidgety than he had been.

They were sorted into groups before taken away to a classroom where names had been assigned to each seat.

Holy shit! I'm in the back~

Feeling a bit more relaxed of not having someone behind him he smiled as he sat in his seat.

"As you know, today will be the written exam, arf." Hound Dog began.

"The five subjects the exam will be covering are the five main ones, arf. Japanese, English, Mathematics, Science, and social studies. In that order. You will have two breaks. One after English, another after Science. If you are caught cheating you will be removed from the premises and will no longer qualify for the entrance exams, arf."

Yuki had closed his eyes to try and calm his heart rate, but he kept getting the sensation someone was staring at him. And Yuki definitely didn't want to look at them in fear of losing his focus.

After everything was handed out the testing began. "Good luck to you all, you may begin."

And just like that, the intensity of the room ten folded.

Not even operations felt this way. He guess it's true what they say,

You don't experience the same intensity or pressure in real life as you do in school.

Yuki had almost forgotten about it.

Four and a half hours later he closed his social studies packet. Packed his things and was the first one to turn in the final packet.

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