Chapter 12

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Running into Uraraka and Kaminari, giving them a goodbye, Yuki was finally free to go home. On a more important note, "Why the ever loving cheese-its is the classroom on the third floor?"

"Yuki-kun! Have you seen Kaachan?" Deku shouted as he ran towards him.

"No, he left a little before I di- Oi! You shouldn't be running!" Yuki shouted at Deku who hadn't bothered stopping.

"I swear if he gets killed, I'll do my best to bring him back and kill him myself." Yuki vowed, staring up into the sky through the window.

Yuki, being the wise self he is, began to think about ways his fellow classmates could hurt themselves...

Uraraka hurls if she uses her quirk too much.

Aoyama once let it slip that he gets diarrhea if he uses his laser for more than a second.

Can Ashido's skin get damaged if she uses too much of her acid? That could be a real threat to her if she does--

Kaminari's quirk is electricity. Can it still damage his body like anyone else's would? Or has it built resistance? How much resistance? What about his brain?

How much tape can Sero create before he begins to struggle? His quirk is more suited for Urban areas. Can he control the consistency or the type of tape he creates?

Jiro has sensitive hearing from what I saw at her battle.

Asui, her body is like that of an amphibian... I have difficulty healing those. I should probably get more practice and study up on them more, just in case.

Does Iida get blisters? What about his ankles?

Yuki sighed. He's been sighing a lot lately. Maybe I should just ask Aizawa-sensei for the list of quirk--

"Ah--" Yuki quickly hid behind one of the pillars at the main entrance. A confrontation?

"Damn it! I ended up agreeing with what that ponytail girl said!" Bakugo shouted.

He really is hurt.

"Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!" Yuki's chest felt heavy. The frustration in Bakugo's voice was really getting to him and he didn't have the complete picture about Deku's and Bakugo's relationship.

"Hey, you too, Deku! I'm just-- I'm just getting started! You hear!"

Voice crack. Is he crying?

Yuki wanted to peak, but the atmosphere felt heavy and personal. He didn't want to make it awkward. And if he was crying, he didn't want to embarrass either of them.

"Here, I will become number one! You won't beat me again, bastard!" Bakugo's voice sounded lower in volume.

Is he leaving?

Slowly, from behind the pillar he took a small peak--

"There he is!"

"AH!" Yuki shouted as All Might sprinted past him and Deku towards Bakugo.

"Young... Bakugo!"

What the fuck, Toshinori!

"Just so you know, pride is important. You definitely have the abilities to become a pro."

Sir, he figured it out himself...

Yuki no longer bothered to hide himself, still waited by the main entrance.

"You still have a lot of--"

"Let go of me, All Might. I can't walk."

So he's respectful when he wants to be.

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