Chapter 71

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Aizawa couldn't process why two of his students were in the infirmary sleeping. He could understand why one of them was there. But the other, it was out of character. Classes were over and neither had shown up for the rest of the day after lunch, so he was sympathetic enough to drop off their school bags. Mostly because he was curious whether or not they were actually resting.

Dr. Nozawa had called him earlier and explained the situation regarding Satori's research and findings during their work study. Dr. Nozawa had been careful in choosing his words since he wasn't sure if Aizawa was aware of the boy's history but Aizawa was quick to clarify he did. He knew of the young healer's history and he knew what evidence they handled. Having just received a follow up from Sir Nighteye, Aizawa would have to keep a watchful eye on Satori.

* * *

Yuki was glad he could put one of his worries on the back burner. Although he didn't feel any lighter, he didn't feel as overwhelmed before.

"Are you going to tell me about your mumbling from before or what?" Bakugo attempted to start a conversation. The two walked at a steady pace back to the dorms. It was late and no doubt the two would have trouble actually sleeping for the rest of the night. After all, a nap had turned into 6hr slumber.

"I'm pretty sure I can't." Yuki repeated. "But if it gives you any hint to why it's so affecting, It's similar to what I went through. I think... I hope not."

Bakugo frowned and didn't comment on it. To think someone else is going through something similar to him as a child. The world must feel so cruel to them, he thought.

"How're your remedial classes going? Getting along with Todoroki?" Yuki tries to perk up the conversation.

"Tch. IcyHot's getting on my nerves with every class we go to. Not only that. That bald windy fuck and Meatball brain are also getting on my nerves–"

Yuki happily listened to Bakugo's ranting, taking his mind off things and simply enjoying their walk.

* * *

A week passed. And during that week Dr. Nozawa hadn't contacted Yuki to return to his work study. To which the boy wasn't surprised. He was emotionally unstable and he'd probably break every rule possible to find out everything about the investigation of the new drug.

"Aizawa-sensei, please, let me help with the investigation!" Yuki had pleaded with a deep bow in the teachers lounge.

"This isn't an investigation I can freely bring you into."

Aizawa refused every time.

Satori Yuki wasn't one to give up on things that mattered so easily. If he wanted to do something he would find a way. And one way that could help him obtain more information, was to think back on what he already knew.

"...Esuha City..." Yuki mumbled, nibbling at the inside of his cheek.

"What about it?" Bakugo asked, looking up from his homework.

"Hm?" Yuki too looked up, "What about what?"

"You were mumbling something about Esuha city." Bakugo replied.

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