Chapter 4

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"What? Really?!" Sato- san exclaimed placing someone's order on their table.

"Sato-san, please..." Yuki begged softly. He didn't like getting attention about things he knew the majority of people would do if they had the chance.

"Yuki-kun, don't be rude." she scolded playfully.

Grumbling a few sentences the women continued to talk about other things besides him and he was thankful.

"So, what's your quirk?" a rough voice asked before he could completely delve back into his studies.

"It's a healing quirk-"

"So you're going to support, huh?" Yuki's eye twitched. He didn't know why the way he had said it irritated him.

"I suppose so." was all he replied.

He could still feel the boy named Katsuki's stare as he tried to continue his business and eat his pudding in peace.

"Young man!" Yuki looked over to the voice hoping to have a minute or two away from the boy's burning stare.

"Yes?!" he shouted.

"I've done it this time! I sure have," the old man laughed walking out with a box the size of a medium cake.

"Oji-san... I can't eat all of that!" Yuki shouted, making room for the box on the small table.

"Don't be modest! I made sure to make it your favorite flavor," he told him, opening the box to, not a cake. No, that was too simple and in Oji-san's opinion boring for someone like Yuki.

It was a cake sized pudding...

"Oji-san when I said to do your best, I meant making a small cake!" Yuki groaned face now in his hands with embarrassment.

The family next to him could only observe in amusement.

"How am I supposed to carry this and the food Sato-san gave me. Oji-san you know I can't-"

"I thought about that and guess what!?" the short old man asked excitedly as though he were a child.

"W-what?" At this point he was terrified with what else the old man would do for him. He didn't like taking things from other people without their being a reason. It made him feel in debt and he knew he could easily pay back everything he was getting but he also knew that none of them would accept it.

"You have helped my family in more ways than one," the old man slowly took off his chef's hat.

"You helped heal my granddaughters tumor, you helped keep this place in business, and you have unfortunately found a place in my heart as well as my family's,"

Oh no...

"Oji-san! I thought we were saving that for his birthday!" Sato-san shouted from across the cafe.

"Screw that!"

"Oji-san, whatever it is. I don't need it." Yuki began slowly beginning to put his things away. Planning on fleeing even if that meant leaving the huge pudding cake and the food he was given.

"You don't have to go to these lengths for me. I'd gladly do them for anyon-"

"Which is exactly why I need to do this!" the old man snapped.

"You help others so selflessly. You busy yourself with going to hospitals during your free time for so many years already." The old man was stretching it sure.

The cafe only had a handful of customers who would frequently go and know what this was about. They had helped in attaining the said gift.

"You help others yet you don't let others help you," the old man sighed.

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