Chapter 44

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Sometimes Bakugo would come over late and end up sleeping in the reading nook.

Other times it was before dinner just to 'heal a sprained wrist.'

When the daily visits began he'd noticed Bakugo's aura of confidence wasn't as present as usual. But now he noticed he was feeling a bit better.

He hadn't talked about the reason as to why he'd asked for him to become his therapist.

It was mostly conversions about the games they'd play and lore he'd read about them.

Yuki thought maybe it was just him warming up again, just like he had before his first visit. He was testing the waters to see what he would reply with and react to.

The majority of the time Yuki kept a neutral face. If there was something that seemed to be helping Bakugo feel better he'd double down on that.

Yuki made sure those small moments where focused on boosting his ego. Or at least praise him to a better mental path.

Yuki's costume didn't arrive until the 25th of August.

He had a little over a week left to break into his costume and get his movements as fluid as possible. Otherwise, not only would he struggle with his staff but also the capture weapon at the exam. And the exam was the worst time to make any sort of mistake.

Finally, after successfully capturing Ectoplasm for the nth time, without a fluke, he managed to find an ultimate move. It wasn't a flashy one given he didn't have such a quirk for it, but it was a move he tested on his fellow classmates with emitter quirks and the result was a success.

"Aizawa-sensei!" Yuki ran up to his homeroom teacher. "Would it be okay if I fought one-on-one with a couple of them?"

This caught Aizawa's attention. "What do you mean?"

Yuki looked down at his new costume before continuing, "I want to make sure I get used to the new design. It'll also help me train using the techniques you showed us in morning training with Hitoshi."

Aizawa cocked an eyebrow up. "Who did you have in mind?"

He was curious, yes. But he also needed to make sure the rest of the students got in their fair amount of training.

"I have eight people in mind." Yuki grinned.

"You wanted to see me?"

Aizawa looked up from his clipboard. Uraraka had been training to maintain steady when she was afloat. But with not many being around to help her with the technique she learned during her internships, Yuki put in his 2 cents.

"You'll be training with Satori for while, if that's alright." Aizawa informed her.

"Yuki-kun? Why?"

"It's to my knowledge you've yet to spar with others, is that correct?" Aizawa asked.

Uraraka tensed up. She'd somewhat left that on the back burner and thought it unimportant for the time being. "Y-yes..."

"Then you'll train with him." Aizawa nodded to Yuki's direction where an area was cleared out for him to use.

"Yes, sir!"

Yuki had been completely right about having Uraraka train with him.

Aizawa had been standing on the sidelines watching both hit and dodged each other. Taking turns being the first to make the first move without having had a verbal confirmation. All was said through their hits, sending glances, and prolonged stares when they took breaks in between.

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