Character Info.

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Quirk: Healing

Birthday: January 28th

Age: 15

Height: 178cm (5'8)

Weight: 59 kg (130 lbs)

Bloody Type: O

Hair: long enough to make a small ponytail

*plans on getting a haircut soon

Eyes: Grey

Body Type: Slim build, slightly feminine (self conscious about it but uses it this to the best of his ability by improving on agility)

Favorite Food: Pudding

Family: Was adopted at 12 by a skilled Doctor who encouraged him to study medicine by sending books from over seas.


- Requires for the user to be in the best possible shape and health. Whatever state the user's body is in it will affect the speed of the healing process. The healthier and clear mind set he has, the better and faster the effects. He believes his quirk is best for on-site healing.

- When activated, his hand have a soft blue hue and releases a calming feeling (kinda works as an anesthetic to an extent)

- Must always be at their best Mentally, Physically and Spiritually. Has discovered that he can slack off at most three days a week before the effects of his quirk begins to decrease.

- Problematic as the user can go into a depressive state for unknown amounts of time (Up to a month and a half) if not experiencing certain amounts of stressors

- Has healed up to 5 major life threatening injuries back to back before passing out for a 43 hours.

- The more he knows about said injury the quicker he know what to focus and speed up on


- User can go into a depressive state for unknown amounts of time (Up to a month and a half) if not experiencing a healthy amount of stressors

- It takes sessions to clear out any dangerous viruses (can take up to a month)

- Gets really sluggish. Almost drunk like. Becomes apathetic.

- Cannot heal themselves as it is an exchange of one person's health to the other

- Needs the entire body or replacements to be present for a full healing/recovery. Cannot force the body to regrow tissue/organs/limbs but can reattach if parts are present.


Power: 3/5

*will explain later

Speed: 4/5

Technique: 5/5

Intelligence: 6/5

Cooperativeness: 5/5

Yuki discovered his quirk at the age of 5 when one of his friends from Kindergarten scraped his knee. In an attempt to comfort him Yuki sang "pain pain go away" song. His hands glowed blue and the scrape was healed. He discovered he couldn't heal himself after one of his foster parents beat him and ended up with a huge bruise on his stomach.

Started volunteering at a hospital when he was 10, first to get home as late as he could to avoid getting hit then it was to help out.

Yuki works very hard to improve himself and learn as much as he can to be able to help in other areas of the medical community to the point where he might start obsessing over studying at an unhealthy level. He will sometimes forget to take care of his body and needs 10 days of rest for him to get back to his usual

Worked at a children's hospital for a year and now often carries a notebook with him to take note of quirks and find ways it could pose a danger to the user. He can offer advice as to what would best be beneficial for the body in order to avoid any injuries.

Fun Facts

- listens to music but places the device he's listening from across the room. He feels a bit paranoid when he can't hear what's around him if he wear earphones.

- Has excellent control over his body movements and could easily be good at sports but preferred to read instead.

- When he studies or does homework he has the need to chew on something so he buys plastic reusable water bottles with a flip top...

- When he reads past an hour, his reading positions begin to get weird


I know this is a bit late to have a character info page but it feels right to me. Weird, I know.

Anyways, if you made it this far


Not much was happening in the past chapters besides introducing you to him. I would rather have you get an impression about Yuki than me telling you what he's like right from the get go.

I accept constructive criticism and would gladly like it if you point out any mistakes or misunderstanding you need me to clear up.

Oh! If you wanna get a better Idea of who or how I'm describing Yuki, it's mainly a character named Miyamura Izumi from Horimiya who I'm getting inspired from. A Shoujo manga that's getting an Anime adaptation said to air in Jan. 2021.

It's pretty wholesome and if you're interested you could definitely check that out.


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