Chapter 15

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"...16, 17, 18." the detective counted. "Other than those other two, everyone else seems unharmed."

"For now, we'll send them back to class. We won't be questioning them right away, right?"

"Detective, what about Satori-kun? And Aizawa-sensei?" Asui asked

"Severe head trauma. Broken nose, a strained and now swollen ankle. Two broken ribs partially punctured his lungs, probably happened while he attended Aizawa-san. Lucky, it didn't happen sooner or he would have suffocated in his own blood. He did happen to inhale a large amount of smoke, his lungs swelled up and he probably passed out from lack of oxygen. It'll take time before he can get his lungs healthy again. Other than that he should make a quick recovery."

"As for Aizawa-san, Comminuted fractures in both arms and a facial fracture. Fortunately, there does not seem to be any serious brain damage. However, his orbital floor has broken into small pieces, and his eyes may suffer from its aftereffects."

"That's what he said." the detective told the class as he relied on the information about the two who were in critical condition.

"I shouldn't have taken his mask. It was probably the only thing that could have prevented that." Ojiro covered his face in shame and guilt.

"It's not your fault, the guy probably knew what he was doing." Kirishima comforted.

"I should have realized it then!" Ojiro continued beating himself up for his poor observation skills.

"What about Thirteen?" Ashido asked.

"Thirteen has been treated. The laceration from the back to upper arm was bad, but will survive." a small sigh of relief left their bodies.

"All Might will also survive. Recovery Girl's healing is enough to treat him, so he's in the nurse's office."

"What about Deku/Midoriya-kun?!" Uraraka and Iida shouted.

"Oh, treatment in the nurse's office is enough for him, too." the detective reassured them.


"Where is he?!" a voice boomed through the hospital's emergency room.

"Sir, if you could plea--"

"Where is that stupid whore!"

"Sir, if you could just--"

"I-I'm right here!" a brave voice escaped a small 7 year old Yuki.

The man let out a  scoff before walking towards him.

Yuki was harshly grabbed from behind his shirt and dragged away.

"So this is where you've been hiding?" the man smiled down sickly at Yuki, who's eyes only widened in fear.

"I-I was j-just volunteering, s-sir." Yuki tried to explain.

"Excuse me sir! If you could please release the child." a nurse, she was one of the few new nurses the hospital had, approached the pair.

"Don't tell me what to do with him!" the man snapped.

"Your job is to look pretty and fix up everyone else whose bodies are shit!"

"Sir, I apologize if the Yuki-kun has been getting home late--"

Yuki's face went pale, his head began to shake telling her to stop. The nurse just missed it.

"--but what he's been offering his serves by helping out here. We were short on on staff a while ago and with the new recr--"

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