Chapter 46

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"Here again? Satori-kun?" a man softly smiled.

"It's not like I want to be here." a young Yuki replied. Taking a seat on a chair.

"If this keeps up we'll have to call your parent--"

"They're dead."

"W-well your guardian then..."

"If you call them again then I won't be coming back."

"Why do you say that?"

Yuki glanced down at his hands. Tugging at his sleeves.

"If I get in trouble they'll just send me to another house. They do it all the time..."

The man let out a soft sigh. Taking a seat across Yuki.

"You know you can alway talk to me, right?"

Yuki nodded. "All the other teachers don't believe me when I say I didn't start the fight."

"Well, I believe you. You don't look like the type to fight anyone."

Yuki looked up at the man, a small smile on his face.

"Thank you, Matsuda-sensei."

Bakugo was waiting for the next part to begin. He was scouting the waiting room, the competition for the next round.

Leaning against the wall away from the rest of his classmates he quickly spotted the healer walking in with two other boys. One looked out of it and another had a broken arm.

The blond noticed just how much more serious and almost terrified the two looked as they spoke in seemingly hushed voices.

"Oh! Yuki-kun made it!" Uraraka's voice echoed.

Yuki snapped his direction away from the conversation before quickly ending it. He passed over the unconscious boy to a staff who led the two who failed away.

Bakugo watched as Yuki smiled approaching their classmates but would quickly disappear replacing it with knitted eyebrows and a worried look.

As the class celebrated everyone in U.A. passing the first round, Yuki was tangled in his thoughts. There had always been a recurring thing they'd always do. But during those times, he had no idea what date, time, let alone season it landed on. He was kept in the dark for all those years. Theoretically and quite literally.

"Oi." the familiar ruff voice caught his attention.

"Who was that."

Yuki frowned, turning to him, "Who was who?"

"The extra with the broken arm."

Yuki's face turned a bit sour. "My guardians' family lawyer's son. We used to go to the same middle school before I was expelled."

"So a friend." Bakugo concluded.

Yuki almost laughed. "Not in a million years."

"Well, for the hundred that passed the first test, Please watch this."

Yuki looked up towards the tv. A broadcasting of all the test cites they had available....explode.

The Urban, the factories, the large dirt mounds, all of it. Explode and crumble.

As much as he was worried about the conversation he'd just had with Watanabe, he had to leave it for another time.

"The next test will be the last one. We will have you all undertake rescue exercises as bystanders in the disaster site."

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