Chapter 34

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As Yuki looked at his seemingly long list and mapped out where to head first on the mall's map, Uraraka leaned onto the railing. Looking down where they, mostly Uraraka, decided to leave Midoriya stranded.

"I'm going to head back and ask Deku if he wants to join us." She told Yuki.

"Why? I thought you were on the run from him?" Yuki teased ruffling her hair.

"I-I'm not!" she blushed.

Yuki laughed before turning her and pushing her lightly. "Then go get the broccoli, I'll be in that store over there."

Uraraka wanted to protest but Yuki was already heading into a store waving his hand to her.

Yuki looked around the sports clothing shop. He only had three pairs of workout clothes and mostly made it through the week by throwing them in the wash when getting home. He doubted there would be a laundry machine out in the middle of the forest.

It wasn't even 20 minutes he was there when the shopping mall closed temporarily. Apparently there had been an incident involving the League of Villains and Midoriya.

"You must have a target on your back if we can't leave you alone for 5 minutes." Yuki told Midoriya.

Both playfully and worried for his friend before he was taken to the police station for interrogation.

Yuki did eventually get all he needed for the week's training trip.

He was still to continue training with Hitoshi until the day before departure.

"Is it just me? Or are you getting bigger?" Hitoshi asked as he poked Yuki's bicep.

Yuki looked down at his arms. "I don't know. But you've most definitely put on muscle."

"Really?" It was Hitoshi's turn to look down.

"Aizawa-sensei must be a miracle worker." Yuki smirked painfully.

The purple haired boy raised an eyebrow, "How so?"

Yuki proceeded to open and close his slightly calloused hands. "I've always had trouble gaining weight, let alone muscle." he told him.

"I thought it was just because of your quirk." Hitoshi admitted.

Yuki shook his head.

"No. It's been happening before I even had a quirk."

He let out a chuckle, "I remember the doctors thought I was being starved when in reality I was having 4 to 5 servings per meal. They almost took me away from Pap--"

Hitoshi looked over to Yuki. The fond smile he had now gone.

"Took you from wh--"

"Nevermind!" Yuki smiled returned. "Let's start climbing these trees before Aizawa notices we're slacking."

Hitoshi frowned before agreeing.

It was one of those peaceful days Yuki liked to lay on his couch and simply stare up at the ceiling.

It wasn't too hot with the summer breeze gently making its way into his house.

Ventilating the quiet halls and rooms.

The distant buzz of his phone at the dining table was so easy to ignore...if he could.

Yuki sprinted towards the dining room and snapped his phone open.

"Satori Yuki, Healing Hero: Caladrius speaking, how may I help you?"

"Huh?! Yuki-kun? Do you always answer the phone like that?" It was Uraraka.

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