Chapter 62

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4 days. 

It had been four days waiting for the boy, found out to be named Satori Yuki, to wake up. News of a child having 'The Mark of Death' spread like wildfire. The news of someone having the mark wasn't as important as it was the fact they were still alive. News outlets coming from across the country long before Detective Fujimoto had heard of it.

"I'm Detective Fujimoto," he said, pulling out his badge.

"Detective Mori." a woman next to him also held out her badge.

The nurses at the front desk sent silent glances to each other.

"We're here to see the kid." Fujimoto bluntly stated.

One nurse stood from her seat, "Well, you see--"

"He's awake!" a nurse shouted, running to the front desk to retrieve a file before running back.

"Hiroki!" a child's agonizing wail shook him to his core.

The hairs on Fujimoto's arms stood on it's ends. Goosebumps run rampant through everyone who could hear the cries.

There was once a boy who witnessed many things. A boy with many scars held terrible stories. A boy's who's tears couldn't seem to stop even as he quietly sat in the hospital bed. Flinching at the knocks before the door opened and any other sudden movements or sounds. But he knew things others struggled to ever find out.

"Do you know who did this to you?" Fujimoto asked.

Yuki only stared down at his hands. He'd done the same to others...

"Can you tell us a name?" Mori offered.

There was a boy, broken to the core as one could possibly be. A boy who looked up into the sky and wondered if it had all been a nightmare. Or at least hoped it would be.

"We brought some pictures with us." Fujimoto told him, opening up a folder and slowly sliding it over. "Do you recognize any of them?"

Yuki stared at the pictures. About to shake his head until he realized he'd only seen them scared. Terrified. In pain. And in despair.

"Yes," he replied.

"Which ones?" Mori frowned, taking out a notepad.

Yuki slid the folder away from him. "All of them."

There was a boy whose memory was beginning to fade.

"I'm not sure."

"Okay, then what about this one?"

"... I can't remember." Yuki grimaced.

"Come on, son--"


"Okay, okay..." Mori softly reassured, "Is there anything you can remember from this person then?"

Two detectives. Only Two detectives were allowed to see him. And they made sure to spend as much time giving him pictures of missing people from the past decade to look at. The grey eyed boy wanted to help but as much as he tried to recall their faces, names, or voices... it just wouldn't happen. With a shaky sigh he looked at one last picture being held up to him.

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