Chapter 64

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By the end of the week Yuki found himself buried under stacks of homework and notes his classmates were generous enough to take in his place. Iida, as class president, took it upon himself to fill him in on everything he'd missed out. Which was a lot. There was hardly anyone who questioned him about his family lawyer coming over instead of a doctor. A few gave him a couple curious looks but unbeknownst to Yuki, Aizawa had warned them to avoid questioning him.

Yuki was informed U.A.'s Big Three had been introduced. One of them having taken on the entire class and how no one was able to land a hit on him. He was quite impressed and really didn't care whether he'd missed out on their introduction. Of course their introduction to the class was just a way to also inform them of the following the work studies they would need to do.

These work studies, however, would have to meet up during some school days if one managed to get accepted into an agency. Recovery Girl had made it very clear to Yuki, he would not be going to an agency for work study the majority of the time. He would only do so if there was a request sent out for him. Where his classmates were the ones who had to send requests, Yuki would be the one receiving requests from those agencies.

Requesting for him would have to include reasons for him being on cite along with the information of the job he would be assisting. He was still training to be a hero and not just another medic out on the field after all. Yuki would not allow himself to be on stand by until the injured were brought to him, he would fight to get to them just as hard as the heroes did.

So while everyone was excitingly looking for agencies and connections to let them in, Yuki was busy trying to catch up with his school work as a small packet of requests awaited him. He would need to ask Recovery Girl and Aizawa for help in terms of planning around school, training, and volunteering.

"Ah." Yuki suddenly realized.

"What?" Bakugo asked, looking up from his homework. He'd taken the liberty to invite himself over and was comfortably using Yuki's coffee table.

"I didn't bring my scooter." Yuki sighed, leaning back into his comfortable office chair.

"We're doing homework. Why the fuck would you be thinking about a scooter?" he frowned.

"Well, unlike you, I tend to think ahead of things in more detail. I'm worried about how I'm going to travel between agencies and hospitals during the work studies." Yuki pouted, placing his pencil between his upper lip and nose.

Bakugo stopped writing and looked up at Yuki in bewilderment. "You got into more than one agency?"

Yuki hummed in boredom, "Kinda."

"What do you mean 'kinda'? Some of us are here struggling to get into ONE!" Bakugo proclaimed.

"Well I'm aiming to be more of a freelance type of hero with a complimentary job as a Doctor." Yuki shrugged. "I've been making connections for quite some time. Even before I came to U.A. so a lot of the agencies contacting me have either seen how I work or someone put in a good word for me."

"Why the fuck does it sound like you've got it all planned--"

"Because I do." Yuki picked up one of the many journals he chose to bring along with him. "This helps as a reference more than an actual planner though." He watched as Bakugo visibly began to shake. The grip on his pencil tightening.

Yuki removed his pencil from his upper lip and said "It's fine if someone doesn't have their life planned out. It's just something I was told to do as a way to cope."

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