Chapter 70

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When did it start, Bakugo wondered. Was it when he was helping Yuki get better? Or was it when he took his video game setup to his room? Maybe it was the many times he'd asked Yuki to heal him after training. Or when he saw his scars during training camp... He'd also felt the need to check up on him after the sports festival. He wanted so badly to know what had happened to him and everything else about him.

Did Bakugo know he liked the same gender? Or was it something that just happened? He had never felt anything towards anyone. There was no reason for him to get caught up in that kind of crappy nonsense. Talking to someone and getting all lovey dovey in public made him want to throw up whenever he saw it in public. He'd thought about what kind of person would ever lead him to do that- hell he went on full investigation mode trying to see what was so special about liking someone. Buying romance novels, comics, and movies to try and figure out something he couldn't understand.

Bakugo stared into Yuki's grey eyes, wide with surprise, yet blank for a response.

"Say something!" Bakugo shouted. His arms shook from overusing his quirk, clutching onto the healers shirt like a lifeline. He still didn't understand what he was going through, but the many times he's read or watched this type of trope in the media, it was depicted as heartbreaking... and that, he could now understand.

The silent reply breaking him down from the inside. He shouldn't have said anything. He should have kept it to himself and taken it to his grave. He could have at least asked what his preferences were. He was stupid in even thinking he was going to get a reply. What did he think the outcome would have been?

"You- You... like me...?" Yuki's voice, barely a whisper. It was the certain way Yuki looked at him did Bakugo loosened his grip.

Yuki brought his free hand up to his face. The healer's thoughts were running wild and yet he couldn't say them. He felt relieved and sad and angry and frustrated-- He didn't know what he was feeling for fucks sake! He was beginning to shake and his heart felt like he was about to have a heart attack.

What the fuck is he suppose to do?

"You As in platonically... right?" Yuki asked again, peeking through his loose strands.

Bakugo frowned, "No you fucking idiot."

"Then- Why- Wait, no. No. You're just tired." Yuki freed himself from Bakugo's grasp and grabbed his wrist in return. "We're both just tired. Let's just go back--"

"I'm not going back until I get a response!" Bakugo held his ground, not budging at the healer's pathetic attempt at pulling him away.

"What the fuck am I supposed to say then?" Yuki asked in a panic, "How am I supposed to react? You caught me off guard and-- I was just yelling at you and you were yelling at me about math homework- I just came back from my work study and I don't know what to do about that-- should just leave it for the pros or if I should get involved--"

"What fuck are you talking about?" Bakugo frowned, slightly irritated. "I just told you I like you and you rambling about something else?!"

What was Yuki thinking about? He was thinking about everything that had happened in the lab. He was thinking about how his scooter was left back at the hospital– When was he going to go pick it up? He should probably go and talk with Aizawa about that– Mina and his classmates had practically cornered him back in the dorms and pressured him to come look for Bakugo. He ran here. And he was tired. He'd been stressed because of Bakugo and just the other day he'd completely given up on talking to him and now he was here. Getting yelled at that a fucking love confession– all within a second.

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