Chapter 3

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Walking in I gave the form my teachers had to sign, and then I was told to introduce myself. "My name is Leona Swan. That's it." I didn't feel like telling them more.

"Questions will be able to be asked later. You may take a seat next to Luke." He said. This Luke sat somewhere in the middle. Then my first class of Calculus began. It wasn't too hard as I'd had most of this during my training. So instead of having to do homework I would be able to focus on weaker subjects. During class I felt and caught people looking at me.

After class I made sure to get out as soon as I could. I had to because students began approaching me to ask their questions. Quickly looking at my schedule I learned I had English class next. Finding the room, I went through the same as with calculus only this time I sat next to a Cullen. Emmett. Another sat on his other side. Rosalie. This time the students were allowed to ask just a few questions.

"Did you really serve in the middle-East?" A girl asked.

"Yes." I answered not really bothering to give a more detailed answer.

"What kind of job did you do there?" Luke from Calculus asked.

"I worked mainly as a mechanic for aircrafts, tanks and other vehicles, but I have done other jobs too. Sniper, recon, you name it I've probably done it but that wasn't my specialty." I answered.

"Why did you come back so soon?" The teacher wanted to know. How did they know I had come back sooner?

"That is because of something personal I would rather not answer, at least not this soon after my return." I replied feeling a little down.

"And we will respect that. Take your seat. And everyone open up the book on page 87." Ms Callin said. Class didn't stay quiet. Well it sort of did. I got a paper ball shot at my head but redirected it to my left side. It bounced off and hit the girl on the other end of my row.

Continuing to work, I got through the morning just fine. At lunch time I met a certain group of students when I sat at an empty table. It got silent in the cafetaria and when I looked up from reading, all eyes were on me and a group of students. "This is our table." I looked up seeing Rosalie and Emmett and whom I thought to be their siblings.

"Don't see names or proof of reservations here. So just grab a seat and do whatever." I went back to my book and chose to ignore them but the blond girl next to Emmett didn't seem okay with my suggestion.

"We don't like sitting with slutty little girls." She spoke annoyed with not getting her way while stealing my book.

"Who said you need to sit next to a mirror, that's an odd thing to do don't you think? Now if you'll excuse me, my sister wants to tell me something, I am pretty sure it's more interesting than this conversation." I got up taking my book back, grabbed my bag and went to Bella as she had waved me over.

"What was that about?" Bella asked when I sat down.

"What was what?" I asked returning to my reading. This story wasn't too bad.

"You and the Cullens, Rosalie looks like she wants to murder you." Looking back, I saw Emmett holding her as if he was comforting her but in reality, I think he was holding her back. That's how angry she seemed.

"So?" I shrugged. I could take her easily. 

"No one has ever stood up to her, like you did." A brunette I learned to be Jessica answered.

"Why not? It isn't like she's the queen of this school or something, right?" Was I really getting into some cliché school drama?

"No but they are something like the school's pride as they always get perfect grades and are like perfect students." A boy named Mike explained.

"Ah I understand." I finished this lunchbreak with Bella and her friends and they gave me all kinds of gossip about the school and its teachers too. I had mr Banner next for Biology, and then P.E. Obviously that one was my best subject. Today we were just running laps, to test our stamina. Most ended after 5 rounds, the minimum but I kept running. I loved it. There were only two in the end that had kept up with me. Emmett and Jasper. They kept perfect pace with me and we talked. Or rather they asked questions and I answered some.

Emmett seemed to like my tomboyish, sassy nature and I had apparently something in common with Jasper. Apparently, he likes historical battles as much as I do. We both are history buffs. He was named after the youngest major in history of America. Jasper Whitlock. The next few days I learned to settle down. My mind adjusted but I did keep up my routines, like working out and how I had woken up for the past six years. I got my motorcycle home and when I had gone to school on it a few times, Emmett wanted to try it out. So he made a bet with me.

"If I win with P.E, I will be allowed to ride your motorcycle for a week." We were playing baseball.

"Fine, if I win you keep that ice-cold bitch of a barbie doll you call a girlfriend off of my back for a month." Rosalie had kept trying to pick fights with me.

"Deal." If I had known their true nature, I wouldn't have made that bet. The bet was made concerning a game of softball. My team was pitching in the end and Emmett first acted like a prissy boy scared of the balls that came his way. When I called him out on it, he decided to get serious.

"Even my sister plays better than this." That made us lose the game with a homerun. After showers and getting dressed, he found me for the keys.

He held his hand up like a kid waiting to get a cookie. "One scratch is enough for me to hurt you." I commented, dropping the keys in his hand.

"I promise I'll take good care of it." He grinned. And he did. I got it back without a scratch.


Please comment what you think of it whether you do or don't like it. I do enjoy reading what you think of certain parts or chapters. though I do ask to be constructive (Is that how you say it?) with criticism so I can learn from it considering English is not my first language nor is writing stories something I studied in school.

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