Chapter 29

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Perhaps the day out with the guard had been more tiring than I thought. I don't recall falling asleep on the bench but I woke up in my room at the castle and changed into more comfier clothes to sleep in. Figuring out I must have been changed while asleep, I felt highly uncomfortable at someone having seen the scar on my back without me showing it myself. They would've seen it considering I was wearing an oversized shirt that reached mid-thigh and well underwear.

I took my knife with me and went to the throne room, figuring that the possible culprits were there. Only I forgot to check if they were busy with a trial as I barged in wanting to know who changed my clothes.

I should've knocked as there was indeed a trial going on. The suspect of whatever he stood trial for decided that the human was a good shield. "Let me go or this human harlot gets ripped apart. And don't try your little witchcraft on me either." He demanded.

"Sweetie, let go of me. It's too early to play a living shield for strangers and I haven't even had my coffee yet. So, I am not in the best of moods right now." I grumbled.

"Pfft, as if a mere weak blood-bag like you can do anything to a superior being like myself." The man, I think he was around late twenties maybe early thirties, laughed.

"I did warn you." I stabbed him in the throat and cut his head off pushing his body away.

The vampires were shocked for a second. "Miss Leona!" Immediately I got in a defensive stance.

"No." They held their hands up as if to show they didn't mean harm. "Someone better explain to me why I woke up dressed like this when I don't remember changing clothes from what I was wearing when we went shopping."  I demanded to know.

"Because I changed them for you, you don't remember because you were practically sleeping standing up. You were uncomfortable in those clothes as they were smelly and damp from the sweat. They are in the washer by the way." Heidi answered.

"Oh. Wow this is rather embarrassing then. I... should go then... bye." I was so embarrassed as I clearly overreacted. I could've simply asked later on.

"Hold on a minute miss Leona. Care to tell me what you had planned to do with that knife of yours if you hadn't used it on our suspect?" Caius demanded to know.

"Castrate someone if it turned out to be a guy that changed me. By the way you didn't see my back, did you?" I asked Heidi.

"No you were quite cooperative while you were asleep." That relieved me.

"Why? What's wrong with your back." Aro was curious.

With a sigh I put my knife down. "I'll show you." I turned around and showed them the scar.

"This is one of the two scars I gained from when James tried to go after Bella and me. He had thrown me against broken mirrors and the pieces ripped my back open. If it hadn't been for Carlisle being there when he was, I might have died or become paralyzed." The memory of seeing that scar for the first time had me down, worried what they might think.

"It's so big!" Caius exclaimed. Demetri and I glanced at each other knowing what we were thinking was the same as the other.

"Does it still hurt you?" Felix wondered.

"Not really. Only when I stand still for long periods of time. It just makes me really insecure as students did bully me because of it." Someone pulled my shirt back on my shoulders for me and covered me with a cloak. Looking up I saw the loveliest pair of ruby red eyes that belonged to Felix. He wiped a tear I didn't know was running down my cheek.

"You're still a beautiful girl, Leona. With or without scars." He spoke softly as I buried my face in his chest. He was a lot taller than me. "This just proves that you're a fighter and a survivor." That cheered me up. I need to talk to Marcus because something feels off about my bonds with the guard.

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