Chapter 8

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"Does Bella know?" Rosalie asked.

Shaking my head I answered "No. She doesn't. I was forbidden to ever even mention it to her. Doesn't mean I didn't try but she was too obedient to Renee to not tell on me. Nor would she have believed me as she loves Renee. I plan on telling her after she turns eighteen so she can decide for herself what to do with it." Then it wouldn't be my problem anymore.

"So, now that we got the serious talks out of the way, I will get to making some snacks for you and we'll watch some movies together. Just us girls." Esme said.

"Why?" I don't want to see some girly movie.

"We tend to cuddle with our mates when we do something so relaxing and we don't want you to feel left out." Rosalie explained.

"It's fine though. Just please keep it pg-13." I shrugged.

"You sure?" I nodded.

"Yeah. The more the merrier and the less chance that we will be watching some chick flick." I playfully rolled my eyes. Esme got up to make the snacks while I picked a movie with Rosalie. When the others were back, Emmett hugged us both.

"I'm so happy my favorite girls get along now!" He cheered. We watched this movie called Expendables only I didn't see much of it. Being able to talk about what happened out there must have relieved me so much that I was able to find some rest.


The vampires all heard her heartbeat slow down to that of someone falling asleep, and she fell too. As she sat right in between Emmett and Jasper, whom had Rose and Alice on the other side she curled up against... Jasper. Some of the others tensed up but he had been relaxed too, feeding emotionally from the peace and calm that he felt from the human.

"Jasper, how are you doing?" The only other calm one, Esme, asked.

"Just fine. I don't really have an interest in feeding from her. Especially when she subconsciously decided to trust me like this. At school she somehow manages to share her calmness with me, making it easier for me to get through the day, when she shares my classes. I don't think she does it on purpose though." He explained. Edward nodded along. He had picked up on that, since the day Leona met them.

"How do you suppose that happens?" Emmett wondered.

"A gift? Like how I cannot read Isabella's mind?" Edward suggested.

"No, I don't think it's that. I think her age and life experience is the answer. She doesn't have the raging of hormones the other students go through and being in serious situations probably taught her to control it even better." Carlisle answered. It did make sense. After the movie Leona had to go home though so she had to wake up. They were glad she didn't have her knife on her. When Emmett woke her up, she tried punching him. He dodged so she wouldn't break her hand and she sat up with a yawn.

"It's time to go home, Leona." He said.

"Okay." Getting up, she gathered her things, promising to return the clothes she was wearing after washing them, and she got left overs from last night's dinner to take with her.

"Thank you for everything the past two days." She said. This weekend, aside from her fight with Rosalie, had been what she was in need of. Finding kindred spirits in Rosalie and Esme, a friend in Emmett and a small piece of peace in her mind.

"You're welcome, dear, and thank you too." Esme answered. She was taken home by Rosalie who met Charlie as the friend she had been sleeping over at. During the ride they got to know each other a bit more.

"Nice to meet you Rosalie. I'm glad Leona is making friends. Feel free to make her girlier. I feel like I have a son sometimes instead of two daughters." Charlie joked. Rosalie smiled seeing the affection he had in his eyes when looking at the elder girl. Leona had gone to change in her own clothes so she could wash Esme's.

"I should go home. It was nice to meet you, Chief Swan." Rose said.

"Oh just call me Charlie. Everyone does. Even the girls do when they think I don't notice." He chuckled.

"Okay Charlie. Goodnight." She agreed. 

"Goodnight, Rosalie." Leona said her goodbyes too knowing Rose would hear. The blonde left, for once feeling truly happy.


Next couple of weeks I spent a lot of time with Emmett, Rose and sometimes Jasper too. Bella began spending time with the Cullens too only more with Edward and Alice. She had figured the secret out as well and apparently no on had told her I know as well.

That was a weird event. She thought I didn't know, and tried her best to keep, the Cullens being vampires, a secret from me. She learned I knew when Emmett and Jasper were roughhousing this one time. They ended up ramming into the car I helped Rose with, making a very big dent. Rosalie just dented it out with her hands while scolding them, while Bella tried to hide it from me, as I just came back from a bathroom break.

"What happened here?" I asked confused about hearing Rosalie scolding her mate and Jasper.

"The boys happened. They made a dent here." Rose answered as she was fixing the mess they made. I walked over to see the damage, when Bella walked into my field of vision looking like she was trying to hide something.

"Leona, can you take a look at my car after your done with this one?" She asked looking nervous.

"What's wrong with it?" I asked.

"It was making this odd sound when I drove here." she made the noise her car made.

"Hmm, have Emmett and Jasper take a look. They can make up for denting this one by helping me with yours. No complaints allowed." The boys whined.

"Okay, then we can finish fixing the engine in Edward's car first. I am done." Rose said and I checked out her work.

"Nice. See this is how you can make proper use of your strength. Next time you dent vehicles, I will make some in your beloved cars, and make you smoothen them out yourself, the human way. Understood?" They seemed startled at that threat. Especially Emmett feared for his car.

"Yes ma'am." They left and Bella looked horrified.

"Something wrong, Bells?" I asked her when I saw that look.


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