Chapter 2

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Lunch came and went with them telling me about things that happened so far since Bella came and I told them about a few funny things that happened in the past. After, Bella and I drove to Port Angeles to go shopping in Bella's truck.

"If you want, I can make this car less noisy." I offered her. 

"No thank you, my truck has some character this way." She declined. I sang along to a few songs on the radio and looked outside to not distract Bella too much.

"Do you know what you need?" She asked when we were almost there.

"I have a list of what I need for school, one for clothes and one for my room. Can we stop by a hardware store as well?" I had planned to redecorate my room to suit my taste a bit more.

"Yes, of course. But the first stop is the bank." So we spent the afternoon buying pens, pencils, notebooks, a laptop, shirts, pants, underwear, sweaters and socks and new shoes that were fit for a civilian life in Forks and for high school. Then I bought a few things for my room like paint, two shelves and material to attach them to the walls.

"They should be ashamed of themselves. Parading around like they are true vets while they probably only passed basic training." Two women whispered though they weren't being exactly subtle.

"Especially the lighter-haired one. She probably bought that hat somewhere." That hurt. Why can't I have served my time, even if I was still so young.

"Excuse me, can't you ladies not be so rude? I did serve my time you know." Perhaps I should've ignored them but still.

"No way." One replied.

"It is true. My sister just got back today after six long years, we would have no reason to lie about such a thing. There is nothing to gain from that but shame. Just like it is shameful to assume someone is lying without knowing the truth." Bella spoke up too.

"Proof it." The other said.

"She doesn't need to proof it. I can easily see they are telling the truth, as a fellow veteran." A man interrupted. The women paled and quickly fumbled out an apology before leaving.

"Thank you, sir." I turned to the man.

"No, thank you for your service. You are a bit young though, aren't you?" He asked curiously.

"Yes, sir. I'm 23, sir." I admitted.

"And how long have you been out there?" Was his next question.

"Six years." It took only a second to realize how old I was when I was sent out.

"How did that happen?" I was indeed a bit young to actually be out there.

"An administrative mistake when I signed up. By the time they found out, I had already proven to be very useful and my family had given permission for me to stay." More like Renee almost begged them to keep me.

"I see. Is it true you came back today?" Luckily he didn't question anymore about my age.

"Yes sir." I wouldn't lie about these things plus I had to keep busy until the evening to avoid a jetlag.

"Well then, if you need help to get through what you have seen and done, I can recommend talking to this psychologist. He has helped me through my worst and many others." He said giving me a business card. It was for a psychologist/psychiatrist office.

"Thank you for the advice sir." I would definitely keep this just to be safe.

"Your welcome. Oh, let me help you at the register." I paid for the supplies and the man, named George, helped to load it all up. We thanked him for both his time in the army and for today. Going back home, I napped as I was pretty tired. When I woke up, we had arrived. Charlie helped me load the hardware supplies off the car and into the garage and then I took my other things up to my room where I put them in the closet or on the desk. I was a bit nervous for Monday. 

A small town like Forks is bound to know about me being here already, and if Bella's story of the reactions from the other students to her arrival is anything to go by, my first day could be tough. 

The weekend passed with me getting my room the way I want it. I had painted my ceiling a midnight blue and my walls had gotten outlines of horizons on them. The one that I slept against, had two shelves attached to it for my books, some personal things and my alarm clock so I would be forced to get up. Bella had also helped me set up my new mobile phone. Those sure got easier to carry with you. But harder to use. I was quite behind on the development of these things.

Then Monday came by I got up and did my routine. Then I made coffee while Bella made breakfast, we ate while Charlie had to leave. Then we left too, after Bella made me make sure I had everything. Our ride was quiet as I made up strategies to get through the day. 

"Leona, we're here." I looked up and indeed we were. Getting out, I ran a hand through my short sandy-coloured hair and grabbed my bag. Bella led me through the halls to the office where I was supposed to get my schedule. 

"Ah you must be miss Leona Swan. Our newest student." The lady from the desk said.

"Yes, ma'am." I answered her.

"Ooh a polite one. That's refreshing. Well here's your schedule and on the back is a map of the school grounds. This is your locker-number and combination. If you have any questions, feel free to stop by, or you could ask your sister." she explained kindly.

My schedule was okay, I didn't like having to take English literature so I tried to switch that up with something else, but sadly there wasn't anything available.  

"I'm sorry dear. There is simply nothing I can do." She looked apologetic too.

"It's fine madam. Don't worry about it." I told Bella to go ahead to her class as I had a map now, and she had to be on the other side of the grounds. Finding my locker first and then the classroom, I felt my confidence drop a little but remembered that this couldn't be too bad. 


Please comment what you think of it whether you do or don't like it. I do enjoy reading what you think of certain parts or chapters. though I do ask to be constructive (Is that how you say it?) with criticism so I can learn from it considering English is not my first language nor is writing stories something I studied in school.

If I make mistakes with how some things are done or certain rules, please tell me. I try to do research about some topics like the age people can enlist but there is always a chance I still get things wrong.

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