Chapter 30

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The guard and Marcus watched Leona leave for the gardens. "That went better than I thought." Demetri commented. The twins turned to the king with a questionable look in their eyes.

"Master, if Leona is Felix' mate, how come we feel a strong need to keep her safe as well? How come she bonds so easily with any of us?" Alec asked.

"Part of it is probably due to everything she has been through. From what I understand, both Swan girls had to grow up faster than the average child to look after their mother making them more mature than others their age. Well in Isabella's case that is. I think Leona chooses to bond with us the way she does, because she knows what it is like to be mistreated." 

"I think she subconsciously wants to protect you from similar treatment like an older sister wants to protect her siblings." That made the twins smile remembering how Leona had been trying to cheer them up whenever she caught lower guards badmouthing them.

"So it is her age and her life experiences. And probably her partial change. Interesting." Demetri concluded.

The king agreed. "She is. I expect we can see great things from her." All of a sudden, Felix got up and ran out the door.

"Felix?" The vampires chased him smelling blood and hearing screams of pain. They found Maylene stabbing Leona a couple of times when suddenly a flimsy sheet of some sort of stone covered the human. It was too thin to really protect her, but the sudden appearance of it startled Maylene into stopping and Felix immediately tackled her off of his mate with a thunderous growl. The others removed the stone sheet that covered the very wounded human. when they did it seemed to melt back into the wall Leona had been thrown against.

"Alec, use your gift to sedate her. We'll take her to her room. Demetri, Jane, take Maylene to Caius and Aro, tell them what happened. Felix, your mate needs you right now. She needs your help." Felix was reluctant to let the threat to his mate go until he saw the state she was in. 

Her heartbeat was weakening, she was covered in blood and laying very still due to Alec using his gift on her. Marcus moved to pick her up but Felix was there first. he took her carefully in his arms. "Please don't die." He begged her as they moved her to her room. The big vampire feared losing her before they had even had some real time to bond as mates. before she had even been able to really accept him as hers.

Once they reached her room, Felix put Leona gently on her bed and only allowed Marcus to examine her under his watchful eye. "She's been stabbed several times. I think the only way to save her considering the amount of blood she lost and how many organs were probably damaged, is to change her." the old king concluded with a sigh. It would mean going against Leona's wish. Aro had discussed her change the day after the shopping trip. She had said wanting to finish college first because fulfilling her dream of opening a repair-shop was so close she didn't want to lose it.

"Master she did say if it was ever a life-threatening situation, where only changing her could save her, to do it. Something to do with her father-figure." Alec said. He had noticed the hesitation in the king's face.

"Then let's do it. Felix, you should do it as her mate." Felix did as told with guidance as he hadn't changed someone before. once done, Marcus instructed Alec to act as sedative for the duration of Leona's change. Felix got up from the bed with a hard look in his eyes.

"Master, what do we do with Maylene?" He asked.

"She's standing trial. Though it's pretty obvious she won't stand a chance. Let's go." Felix left warning Alec not to let harm come to his mate to which the boy agreed happily.

The two vampires had run to the throne room where Maylene was standing trial. "Ah brother, just in time. How is Leona?" Marcus was asked as he sat down.

"She's changing. it was the only way we could save her. Alec is sedating her with his gift and guarding her." Aro nodded understanding.

"Maylene, you stand trial for going against orders and going after Felix' mate. What do you have to say for yourself?" Aro began the trial turning to the female.

"She had it coming, prancing around like the slutty princess she thinks she is." She managed to get out before dropping in pain. Jane had been using her gift to punish Maylene for her foul words about the human. Yes, even Jane had warmed up to Leona. especially after she stood up against lower guard for insulting the 'witch twins'. A fierce human like Leona with a softer side she showed to those she cared for. Jane felt happy to have her as a friend.

"Jane, that's enough dear." Aro shushed the small blonde. "There is really no need to go through the hassle of an official trial as too many witnesses are against you for you to stand a chance. Brothers, your verdict." He asked though knew what they would say.

"Guilty for knowingly breaking the law of going after a vampire's mate." Caius and Marcus spoke as one.

"You are hereby sentenced to be executed." Aro turned to Felix. "Felix, the honor is yours. As Leona is your mate." Felix didn't waste a second as he ripped Maylene apart. Jane used her gift again to make it all that much more painful for Maylene. The young woman screamed it out as she was ripped in several pieces and set on fire.

"Aro, as I think you'll find out anyway, you should know this." Marcus offered his hand to Aro.

"The sheet of stone that covered her you mean? I saw it already through Demetri's thoughts. Leona will be a fascinating vampire I'm sure." Aro commented on the thoughts he was shown.

"She certainly is. She has made even you become livelier Marcus. It is a nice change." Caius agreed.

"Teaching Leona about Alchemy was refreshing. I hope she'll want to continue learning about it." Marcus wished. Having a student was somewhat distracting him from the sadness the old king was feeling after losing Didyme. "First we'll see the kind of newborn she will be."

The answer to that question came a couple of days later. Along with an unexpected guest.


What kind of vampire will Leona be? Who will be the guest?

Any thoughts on this? let me know in the comments.

Have a nice week!!

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