Chapter 12

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Alice had a vision of James finding out he was following a fake trail. Then Bella made me talk about the truth about Renee.

"Why didn't you tell me that Renee had you as a result of Rape?" She asked me looking really upset that I had kept this from her.

I sighed remembering what Renee had said. "She had forbidden me to even mention it. I did try but I didn't want to upset her even more than she already was with my existence." 

"I wouldn't have told her I knew." Even Bella knew that wasn't true.

"You would have told her. Or at least you would've talked to her about it. I did plan on telling you after your eighteenth birthday though. Then she wouldn't have been able to control it anymore." I answered honestly.

"Tell me the full story." I did. Including meeting Frank and why I left for the army. Also why I came back. She cried for my suffering. Jasper sent some grief and sympathy from the living area of the suite. I sent gratitude back. I had forgotten the men hadn't heard the full story yet nor did Alice.

Then Alice had a new vision. One of a room of mirrors. "It looks like..." I began.

"... a ballet-room. I recognize the archways in the room. It is the dance-studio where I had ballet-class." Bella finished. Oh yes those lessons of hers.

"Is it far from here?" Alice asked my sister.

"No. Pretty close actually." She pointed it out on a map provided by Jasper. We were told to get some rest and a wave of calm hit us. Bella got the bed while I slept on the floor but I couldn't sleep. I was too concerned about all this.

A wave of calm hit me, but I fought against it. I couldn't afford to fall asleep. Not now Bella's safety was at stake. If I fell asleep and something happened, I would never be able to live with that fact. Nor did I want to awaken Bella with my night terrors. It wasn't very late as of yet so perhaps a bit of a drink downstairs would do me good.

I got up and out of the room quietly. Not seeing either vamps I left a note and went downstairs using the staircase to burn some energy and stretch my legs. At the café-restaurant-bar the hotel owned I ordered a drink and sat down at the bar. Watching the people around me I sighed. In my mind I listed a lot of things about the people that caught my eyes which distracted me from my own problems.

"Hello beautiful, is this seat taken?" A voice said from my right side.

"No and this seat will open too if you sit down." I answered without really looking who spoke.

"Awe, don't be mean darlin', I don't mean harm. I just want to get to know you. Nothing else, how about this, let's talk for ten minutes and if you still don't like it, I'll leave." He didn't seem to have other intentions. and he was human. For a moment I had worried that it could've been James.

"Fine." I sighed.

"Great, my name is Aidan Lawson. What's yours?" He asked.

"Leona Swan." That began a ten-minute talk. I found I really didn't mind the guy. He looked handsome with green eyes and dark hair, a jawline one could probably cut their hands on if they touched it. He also treated me as not just a girl he wanted to sleep with or anything. He never even mentioned that. We talked for an hour before he had to go but not before we exchanged numbers and a promise to call and text.

After I felt I'd had enough which was around my third beer, I got up and paid the tab before I went back upstairs. Once in the lobby however I found Jasper and Alice at the helpdesk and Bella was sneaking out. I followed her out. "Bella, what's going on?" I asked her.

"It's James, he has mom in that ballet-studio that Alice saw." She explained.

"Renee is with Phil in Jacksonville, right?" She was there last time I heard.

"She came back for some reason." I tried to force myself to feel scared as we left the lobby, I hoped that Jasper could pick it up. I also forced myself to plan on entering the ballet-studio as soon as I saw its entrance to try and get Alice to see it.

"Bella, if James is there, I want to give you this. It's a remote. When I tell you and no sooner, you push the button. Okay? It might win us some time." She nodded before we went inside the ballet-room. We heard Renee's voice and Bella's, it was a trap. Of course. Was I glad to have prepared myself when I left the room. The video was of Bella telling Renee that she didn't like ballet.

"I love this part." We turned around seeing James holding a camera.

"I'm taking this with me after. Hope you don't mind." I moved to keep Bella behind me after I pulled my knife.

"Hmm, clearly you don't know everything sweetheart." He chuckled as he thought a human with a knife couldn't harm the big bad vampire he was.

"Bella, try and run for the doors. Now." She ran and James casually stepped passed me to go after her. I sliced him which hurt because of the dried venom still on it, he punched me away and dropped the camera to go after me instead. I fell against the mirrored wall breaking the mirrors and I felt some pieces cut my back which hurt. Then he did the same to Bella grabbing the camera again. He broke her leg and filmed her screaming in pain.

"Come on Bella, tell Edward how much you are in pain. Tell him how bad you want him to be here." He told my sister. Bella refused as brave as she was. I got up slowly grabbing a little something from my pocket and prepared for my plan and the tiny chance it might work.


What might her plan be? Only one way to find out I guess.

As always, any thoughts about this chapter are welcome. 

And thank you for your continued interest in this story. I saw it has passed 6000 reads and 200 votes. Plus pretty high ranking I don't know what makes me happier and prouder. But thank you.

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