Chapter 25

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Paul was first. "Hello, Leona? Where are you? Jacob said something about you leaving with your sister and one of the Cullens to save Edward." I sighed sad that I had to do it this way.

I explained "I'm in Italy. We did save Edward and they are on their way home. Paul, I think it's time for us to stop seeing each other." 

"What? Why?" I explained it all and he was growling before the phone seemed to fall.

"Hello? Paul?" I called worried about his temper.

Someone else answered instead. "Leona, this is Sam, what happened? Paul was talking to you and suddenly he had to be forced outside so he could phase." Oh shit.

"Sam, you have to order him to stay near the house. He might start a fight between the Cullens and the pack." I explained everything to him too.

"I understand. I'm sorry you and Paul didn't last. You did bring out the best of him." I smiled remembering all the good times. Paul actually did his best to control his temper. Sam and Jared both seemed relieved and had thanked me for that once.

At the same time he helped me return to a more confident version of myself despite my scars. "As did he to me. Just please make sure he doesn't do anything stupid." I asked of the Alpha.

He yelled a few orders to some guys. "The others are on it. However, I do agree that we can't let this just go unpunished. They left an innocent human in a life-threatening place. A human we consider part of our pack as you have always taken good care of us if Emily couldn't and you helped save some money on shoe-wear. I promise it won't come to war but we will do something about this. 

And don't worry about Charlie, He has taken a liking towards Sue which means he is under our protection too." I had managed to save a couple of shoes by repairing them. It was an interesting experience. Plus I helped fill the donations pot by working as a handy-man.

"Thank you, Sam. You are a good Alpha. Goodbye." I would miss him.

"Goodbye Leona." And he hung up. I really felt bad for what I did to Paul. I just hope he won't do something stupid and that he finds his imprint soon.

Now the easier one. or so I thought. Charlie. Before I could get even a word out the questions came. "Leona? Where the hell are you? Bella came back a few hours ago from Italy with Alice and Edward. Where are you? Are you okay?" He asked. 

"Dad, don't worry. I'm okay. I ran into some army buddies and they invited me to spend a few months with them to get to know the country before I start school." I hoped by talking about months, he would feel at least somewhat at ease.

"Thank god, you're okay. Alice said something vague I didn't fully understand and Bella has been completely quiet about it." Of course she would. And yet...

"We had a bit of an argument about something stupid before she left. Oh and I left a note for Edward so if he comes by then please give it to him. It has to do with what we did to his stuff when he first left." I wish I could see his face when he finds out.

Charlie chuckled. "Okay I will after I gave him a piece of my mind. What about you and Paul?" He asked.

I just keep going back and forth between being sad, hurt and fake happy today don't I? "We broke up. Don't worry. It was a mutual decision. Oh and I heard about your liking Sue Clearwater? Take good care of her, old man or I have to come back early and teach you a lesson." I warned him.

"Don't worry about that, I know how to treat a lady." He assured me.

"I know you do. I have to go now. Goodbye Dad." I decided to end the conversation before I got too sad.

"Have fun and stay in touch okay? Goodbye Leona." I felt upset that I couldn't tell him the truth. It touched me that Paul was willing to fight the Cullens just for their betrayal towards me. I just hope Sam was able to stop him before he got hurt. I'm glad Charlie isn't alone anymore.

"Thank you miss Gianna." I thanked her for the use of the charger.

She smiled kindly "Your welcome miss Leona." I went to my room seeing everything that had been broken was replaced. Oh well, if I don't have to fix it, fine by me.

The next few days I got to know the main guard of the Volturi a little. Demetri was the tracker, Felix was basically the Italian version of Emmett, Jane and Alec were indeed twins changed at a young age for their gifts which had almost got them killed for witchcraft. Heidi was of a lower rank in guard and she was the fisherman of the clan. She lured humans, mostly tourists, in for the Volturi to feed from. At night after feeding time was over, I went to the roof of the castle and drew the view from there with the stars in the sky. I hoped plenty of cloudy days would come so I could go out and see the town.

I also got to know the kings a little. Marcus taught me about alchemy and Caius and I had various discussions about art. Aro was more interested in discussing war tactics. We played various games of Risk and Chess. It was a strange but fascinating experience. 

Four days after I first got here, I was finally able to go out and go shopping for my own clothes and necessities. Hopefully I can get to know the guards a bit more as they tended to be a bit distant while remaining polite as if there was some sort of distrust towards me. I hope I can clear the awkwardness so we all could be more comfortable around each other as my staying here could indeed take months.


I am a bit torn about what I will do for the next chapter. Should I keep the full chapter about Leona's stay in Volterra or would you like to know just what the wolves did to punish the Cullens? I am going to write about that either way but I don't know yet whether to do it for next chapter or later on.

Any suggestions are always welcome as are your thoughts on this chapter or the story.

Have a nice week!!

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