Chapter 46 part 2

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Billy took a breath before continuing. "This is where our tribe comes in. Members of our tribe were given the same knowledge only to teach and protect the bloodline until the next Wanderer was chosen. Even after the next Wanderer made herself known, we were supposed to protect her until she was ready. Obviously we failed where others succeeded." He finished looking at Leona. She was snuggled into her mate's protective hold as she listened to the story.

"You mentioned a curse. What kind of curse?" Felix asked.

"A curse of loss. Members of said bloodline would only live just long enough to continue the line with only one child staying alive. If there was talk of twins, one of the two children would die. The bloodline ends with you, Leona. You being part vampire makes the line will no longer continue as you can't bear children. My guess is that you were always meant to be the last. That the things that happened, were meant to happen." Old Quil answered talking to the blonde.

"You mean I was meant to lose my child and my husband? I was meant to suffer how I did only to die a gruesome death?" Leona asked while Felix rubbed her arms trying to calm her down.

"As much as it pains me to hurt you with the truth, yes it was all meant to happen." Leona was quiet then. It was visible on her face she was thinking about everything told tonight.

"Mia Stella, please don't shut me out. Tell me what you need now." Felix' voice was soft as to not startle his mate. She looked up at him clearly wanting to cry.

"C-can we go home please?" She asked him.

"To the Cullen home or..." He replied wanting to be certain of her wish.

"Yes please." She nodded.

"Of course. Let's go." He nudged Leona to get up and got up himself. Saying a quick goodbye, the couple left the beach and ran home to the Cullen residence. Esme, Rose and Alice were going over some design magazines while Carlisle and Jasper were playing chess and Emmett was watching sports on TV.

Rosalie greeted the couple first. "You're back early. How was your day?" With a sob escaping from her lips, Leona went straight up to her room.

"Leona has heard some rather disturbing things. Apparently her miscarriage and everything she suffered through was meant to happen as part of some curse." Felix recounted the day and the legend linked to his mate. The women went up to see Leona hoping to offer her some comfort. Shortly after they came back telling Felix to just be with her. Leona had cried herself to sleep.

"She still can't find her own peace, can she?" Esme asked her husband.

"Felix is a big help but if the legends are true. I doubt she ever will. One day she might even find herself forced to make the hardest choice one can make." Carlisle answered. The Cullens all hoped that day would never come for the young woman upstairs.

The following days Leona and Felix focused on their project named Vampire Summer-camp. They found an estate big enough, somewhere in the south of Colorado, to house a lot of people yet it was hidden away from civilization. The place was perfect to set up a variety of areas, to train several aspects of vampire life. Felix and Leona first had a lot of work to do, to repair the building as it had been gone into ruin after a long time of no residency.

By form of apology for the horrible story and what happened with Paul, the wolves helped, having time on their hands now that there was little threat to the people of La Push. Things were quiet as Leona worked through everything she had learned, until once more the peace and quiet was ruined, signaling the end of what she called a drama-break. Felix was in Italy to discuss plans with the kings and Leona was in Forks visiting Charlie and the Cullens for a bit.

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