Chapter 49

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This was since Bella's wedding one of my favorite days despite finding those children. Everyone had done a lot of work and were now spending quality time, and it was just peaceful. I sat on the front porch next too Charlie as we watched the guys mess around and sighed.

"You okay?" Dad asked.

"Yeah. I am. Today was just a very good day despite finding those children. I have to admit, I am proud to see Darren doing so well around you and Sue, and William too of course." I honestly was happy with my life.

"That is because he reminds me too much of my own dad. Mr Charlie and my dad are the kind of people I want to be like. And miss Sue was just so nice to both Will and I, we wouldn't dare to hurt you both." Darren said joining us as well.

"Still. Being able to control yourself so well already. This one nearly cracked my ribs once when she hugged me. And that was before she was turned. After, I feared for my spine." Charlie joked.

"That's what happens with old people. They become more fragile." I teased him back.

"Hey respect your old man, young lady." Charlie scolded me though the look in his eyes told me he wasn't mad at all.

"For those who eat, dinner is ready!" Leah called out. Seth, Charlie and I went inside washed up and sat down. The other vampires did too just not to eat. They had a mug of blood.

"Wait, Leona, you can still eat? How?" Darren asked surprised. I hadn't eaten around him before.

"I am not a full-vampire. I am a rare sort of hybrid." I answered with a shrug.

"Really? That's so cool. So you still have human traits?"

"Yes well, some of them." 

"That's awesome. You are like the perfect person for this whole thing as you can understand both sides." William said.

"Yes, I guess." I hadn't thought of it that way. Dinner was spent like a family dinner would. Talking, joking, and just a lovely family dinner. After, I spent time with Felix outside stargazing at a quiet and private area. "You look better than this afternoon." He commented.

"I feel better. Thank you for making that tombstone. It would've been a shame if they were forgotten." I told him.

"You're welcome, Stella." He kissed me.

We talked occasionally but mostly enjoyed the peace and quiet. "I wonder how the people at home are doing now." I meant the humans this time.

"Last time I was in Volterra, they seemed surprised nothing was magically repaired anymore. I found several art-pieces at the square, as if they were offerings to the magical beings. I actually brought some." He replied. "They seem to think of us as lovers always meeting at that bench like our affaire was to be kept secret. Like a princess and a low soldier forbidden to be together."

"Well technically, they aren't wrong." I replied to that.

"What do you mean?" He asked sitting up.

"Well I am related to Didyme, right? And she was Aro's sister making me a blood-relative to one of our kings. Which usually would make one a princess." I explained.

"And I am the low soldier?" He asked with a low growl as if to warn me not to tease him.

"I suppose you are. How ever dare I be with someone of lower ranking." I answered dramatically, with a challenging look in my eyes.

"Don't you know princesses get punished when they misbehave?" Felix warned again.

"No idea at all. Care to show me, my sweet warrior?" I asked him innocently.

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