Chapter 22

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"What's taking so long?" A girl no older than fifteen and with red eyes came. That was quite concerning. Probably was turned for a reason.

"Jane." The vampires escorted us somewhere to jump down a manhole. One vampire offered to jump with me but I just dropped down myself. The big one caught me as I landed on his back.

"So, I know the blonde is called Jane but what's your name?" I asked him.

"My name is Felix, miss Leona." He answered before he put me down and made me walk.

"Like the cat? Cool. Well Felix, my sparkly ass guide for this moment, let's go I would say. Let's just get this thing over with. This place makes me feel a bit funny and I don't think it's in a good way. I'm not saying it's because of the pixie and the pussy over there but they are probably part of it." I don't know why I was feeling funny. 

"Heh, we got one with humor here huh? I like her." The other guy said.

"I have to do something to make this trip fun. You all seem so boring and stiff besides I was sort of forced to come. Might as well make the best of it." I shrugged.

"It truly is a pleasure to meet you, miss Leona. Let's hope we may meet again in the future." I think my charms were working however unintentional.

"Let's hope so too, mr..." I asked as we entered an elevator.

"Call me Demetri." He answered.

"Greek?" At least I believe that's where the name origins from.

"Yes, how did you know?" He was surprised.

"Lucky guess actually. How old are you, if I may ask?" 

"I was turned around 1000's AD." He answered probably a bit weirded out.

"Really? That's so cool. All the battles you must have witnessed. You must tell me about them sometime." I was kind of fangirling now. How am I being so strangely hyper?

"Leo, how are you not nervous here? I'm kind of terrified." Bella asked from beside Edward.

"I already know that if things go wrong, we will die and I'm not afraid of that otherwise I wouldn't have done what I have. Death is part of life. If things go right then yay. Besides I'm genuinely interested in these things. You know that. The only one I care enough for to fight till I die in this elevator, is you. Don't care if Pussy dies, don't care if pixie dies or myself, if that means you live." I explained.

"Don't worry Leona, I still see Bella with us and turned." Alice assured me.

"Good." I noticed she didn't mention me. She never did when talking about Bella's future. Am I not in it? Or does she just not want me to know?

"We're here." Jane opened the door. We passed a secretary while going towards the throne room. 

"She knows?" Bella asked no one in particular but I think she hoped Edward would answer.

"Yes she wants to be like us. And she will be." Felix replied.

"Or dessert. We're here." Jane opened the doors after knocking and went inside.

"Sister you left to get one vampire but came back with two, bringing snacks as well. Such a clever girl." This guy that could be Jane's twin spoke.

"Ah I knew it! See Edward. All is well as Isabella is alive." Demetri gave the old pastry pale man a hand. That must be Aro then. Remembering Carlisle's painting I could figure out the other dark haired one had to be Marcus. Then the white-blonde had to be Caius. Right?

"Oh? This is interesting. Miss Swan..." He turned to us.

"Yes?" Bella and I answered. that's what you get if you don't specify.

"My apologies, I meant to say miss Leona Swan. How come you are so comfortable around us? Your sister and the Cullens are nervous to be here as they should, yet your heartbeat has not changed its speed at all." He seemed genuinely surprised at the difference in attitude of both humans in the room.

"Who are you?" Caius demanded to know.

"I'm Leona Swan, half-sister of Bella. We share the same biological mother but not the same father. I am calm about being here as I already have accepted the chance that we might not get out of here alive for knowing of your existence. I do not fear death as it is simply part of life and I have seen enough of it to still get afraid of it." I answered honestly.

"May I?" He held a hand out to me. 

"Only if you promise, not to harm those I hold dear in any way, shape or form, you directly or indirectly by ordering anyone to do it for you. They are no threat if you don't provoke them. Their only goal is to protect their people." I had no idea if he would be able to read me or not. Edward does, so just in case I had to get a promise out of him. perhaps I could keep the wolves safe this way if he does learn about them.

He seemed amused. "You are a clever one, miss Swan. Very well." I went over to him to give him my hand but the funny feeling I'd had seemed to grow tenfold. Halfway across the room I fell down feeling like I was suffocating. Like something was pulling at my body.

"Leona!" Bella exclaimed in worry. I tried to catch my breath but it was difficult.

"Help miss Swan to sit up and get her some water." Marcus ordered. As soon as I felt hands on my arm to help me sit up on my knees the pulling stopped and I felt this current run through my veins. It was a strange feeling yet not entirely unfamiliar. As if I had felt it before. 

Someone offered me a glass of water of which I sipped small gulps. What the hell is wrong with me? Looking up at the person that helped me, I looked straight into a pair of red eyes that looked concerned and yet somewhat horrified.

Looking around, I saw a grand variety of emotions on their faces. Disgust, horror, confusion, anger, surprise. Those were the emotions I could figure out. but I was certain many more were hidden behind masks.


Hm... what just happened?
who's touch do you think helped Leona feel better?

I am always curious about your thoughts on this story or this particular chapter so let me know what you think in the comments. 

Have a nice week!!!

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