Chapter 35

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I was just done training with Jasper and Demetri when Gianna came by. "Miss Leona, your father called. He left a message for you." She said handing me a note.

"Thank you Gianna." I read the note. Charlie wanted me home for Bella's graduation. He probably wants us to make up. and I kind of want to go home myself. I miss the pack and some of the Cullens. And yes I did miss Bella too. "Jasper, do you think I could handle being in a room with over a hundred humans?" He had been a massive help with my thirst control.

"I do. You have spent your time awake training control when you feed and so far you are nothing like normal newborns are when they feed. Why?" He asked.

"Charlie wants me home for Bella's graduation and I kind of want to go." I explained showing him the note.

"While I am no longer a Hale, I do miss the family as well. How about this? If Aro lets you go, we will go together and I keep an eye on you. Just in case?" He suggested.

"You would do that?" I asked making sure he wasn't kidding.

"Yes, why not?" He nodded with a shrug. With a smile I hugged him shortly and then went to the throne room. Both Felix and Aro would be there so that would kill two birds with one stone. I knocked this time and was told to come in. Marcus and Aro were here. Caius was probably off painting or something.

"Ah dear Leona, is something the matter?" Marcus greeted me as I joined Felix' side for a short hug. We had been growing closer the past weeks as he too had helped me learn.

"No sir, I just a have a request. Can I go home for a few days?" I asked.

"Why?" Walking up to them, I gave Aro the note.

"My sister is graduating and I kind of miss her and my friends in America. Jasper suggested coming with me so he can keep an eye on me just in case." I explained immediately adding Jasper's safety measure to assure the kings I wouldn't accidentally expose the supernatural world.

"How long will you be gone?" Aro required.

This was something I had to think about. "She's graduating next Wednesday so maybe a week? Just so I can catch up with everyone." And perhaps make up with a few.

"Very well. you have worked hard so I suppose you deserve it. If Jasper keeps an eye on you and you check in with us at least once or twice." The two brothers had their manner of deciding.

"Thank you." I hugged both.

"Ask Gianna to book you a flight. And I want to speak with you before you leave." Aro said.

"Yes sir." I nodded.

"May we both be dismissed, master?" Felix asked. He didn't sound too happy. But also not really mad.

"Yes go." Aro waved us off. I was pulled out of the room and we ran to his private rooms only stopping at Gianna's desk to tell her to book a flight. She told us the first one was in two days. There he shut the door behind us and made me sit on the love seat in the corner. Then he paced.

"What's wrong?" I asked him a little worried. He didn't answer but seemed in turmoil about whatever was bothering him. I got up and in front of him. He stopped walking as I cupped his face in my hands. "What's bothering you?" I asked really concerned, seeing the look in his eyes.

"You will leave so soon and for a whole week. I cannot go with you and you aren't marked as my mate yet. Who knows what will happen? I am worried you might wish to stay in America. That you might not come back here." It surprised me he was honest about it. Taking his hand I pulled us both on the couch.

"I am not yet gone, so how about we spend the next 48 hours together, to put our minds at ease? To be honest, I am a little worried myself but I know I might regret not going." His eyes showed relief that I understood and took him serious.

"Can I confess something else? It has been two months  since we began dating and I have been planning something special. Would you mind it if I left you in your room to prepare?" He asked.

"No I don't mind. Do I need to change my clothes?" I asked looking down at my simple sweats and shirt.

"Hm, ask Heidi and Jane. They offered help in this as I have no clue. They know of my plans." He walked me to my room kissed the back of my hand and left. My curiosity kept growing while I asked Jane and Heidi to help me get ready. They smiled knowingly and dragged me to Heidi's room. 

There I was forced to take a quick shower and after I had dried off I was given a dress to wear. It was an off white floral dress that reached just below my knees and the top part had short sleeves and a sweetheart neckline. My make up was kept minimal and my hair was loosely curled and half up half down. For shoes I was to wear white sandals with heels. 

Heidi helped me up and they put me in front of a full length mirror. "There. You look beautiful." It was odd to wear a dress as I don't usually do that, but I don't think I could've looked any nicer in the shirts and jeans I usually go for. I don't remember ever dressing this nice before.

"Thank you both." A knock on the door distracted us.

"Leona, are you ready?" It was Felix. 

"She is." I was a little nervous all of a sudden. The last time I felt like this was when I was with Mark. Feeling this way just told me that I thought Felix' opinion of me more important than most other people I know. I opened the door and looked into a small bouquet of roses and lilies and I think carnations too. all shades of red and pink. 

"Hey. I got you these." He said offering me the flowers.

Taking them from him, I was hit with the floral smell. It was a nice scent. "They are beautiful. Thank you." Heidi took them from me while Jane pushed me out. Felix offered me an arm and we walked outside. The whole walk I tried to get his plans out of him but nothing worked. he was insisting on keeping it a surprise. And what a surprise it was.

He had led me to the same square where we always seemed to end up. There was a table for two set up and the tree in the middle had been decorated with strings of small lights. A human greeted us and led us to the table. "Good evening sir, ma'am. My name is Rodrigo and I shall be your waiter today. Here is the menu and I shall be right back with some drinks." He brought a bottle of blood.

"How..." I was confused. 

"He is one of our human employees. When he heard me asking Jane for help, he actually approached me to offer his assistance. The humans seem to have taken quite a liking to you." Felix explained.

"That's sweet of him." Dinner was spent talking and me eating. I was overjoyed when I found out I could still eat human food. There was music coming from some window I think. It was piano and violin music though I couldn't figure out the name of this piece. Felix got up and offered me a hand. When I took it he pulled me in his arms and we slow-danced until the moon was high up.

"Felix I love all this. The flowers, the music, everything. I feel very special that you did all this. I think... no, I know that I am falling in love with you." His eyes lit up and a smile adorned his face.

"You have no idea how happy it makes me to hear you say it." He leaned down and kissed me in a loving manner. Kissing back I tried my best to convey my feelings for this man in this kiss. Something inside me seemed to click together and the kiss was turning heated and needier. I think he felt it too as he picked me up around my waist, my legs wrapped around his automatically and before I knew it we were back at the castle. In his room. That night we became a fully mated couple. 


Leona will be going home right before a certain battle takes place. How will the Cullens and/or the pack react to her changed form? 

Let me know what you think and have a nice week!!

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