Chapter 51

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"The two of us are here for anything you need, Leona. You know that, right?" Rosalie said.

"Then can I ask you favor?" I asked after a thought run through my head.

"Of course, what is it?" They both paid close attention now.

"If things go bad, and something makes me unable to stay, will you continue my work with the project? It is highly important to finish it, and start the new program, if the vampire world is to either remain secret, for a while longer, or if we are to be introduced to the normal world. I guess I just need to be sure, that if I end up breaking certain laws, that what I've done so far will be put in capable hands." 

"Are you sure you want us to do it?" Emmett asked.

"Yes. Jasper is already part of it anyway. Carlisle has his own job and he does help around, but I just believe you'll be good at leading it. Because I think that you'll be most accepting when people choose to remain human-drinkers, despite your own dislike of spilling blood.

"Then we'll accept." That grew a relieved smile on my face.


"Thank you." Her eyes lit up a bit. Eventually Leona let herself be taken back to camp.

"Auntie Leo? Will you tell me a story before bedtime?"

"Sure which one?"

"After the story of Red riding hood, Renesmee was sent to bed, and I went too. Sleep came easier when Rose and Emmett kept me company.

The next morning we had a quick breakfast and were fully fed, before we went to the open field where the confrontation would take place. all the couples stuck together spreading out a little, "When we survive, I will follow you everywhere, woman." Garrett told Kate.

"Now you tell me." She replied. but her hidden smile showed fondness of the man she just met.

Everyone simply waited until Alice saw them in the vision, Edward read her mind and Jasper or rather Major, sensed their presence.


"The red coats are coming! The red coats are coming!" Garrett joked. I tensed up just before a certain wolf joined me on my right side.

"Hey Paul." I greeted him. He nudged me a little but kept his head low.

"He wants to apologize for what happened. He let his protectiveness over you get the better of him which stopped him from listening to your full explanation." Edward translated.

"I forgive you. I already had, when you came to Colorado. Just promise to keep yourself better in control around Rachel or I'll have to come and teach you a lesson." I told my friend petting him.. He gave me a somewhat annoyed look, before we turned our attention to the group of cloaked figures entering the area.

They talked, I saw Felix searching until our eyes met. They looked so... cold and yet relieved. What happened?

"It's not you, it's Paul. He doesn't fully trust him after what happened." Paul stepped away a little and Felix' gaze was a little warmer now.

"I want to meet the child." Aro demanded. Bella approached him with little Ren and Edward, followed by Jacob and Emmett. Renesmee showed her charms. Then Irina was made to confess her wrongdoings before being killed.

"Perhaps a proper witness to it all works. An unbiased one at that. Leona?" I ran over to them.

"Do you truly believe her death a necessity, Aro? She did wrong yes but merely the mistake of not checking things out properly doesn't warrant a death penalty." I told him.

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