Chapter 23

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Alec let go of me as soon as I sat up as if he was burned by the touch. "Fascinating." Marcus spoke.

"What is, brother?" Caius asked.

"Alec and the elder Swan girl already share a bond. The moment she walked in, I could see it. It is a weak version of the bond between a vampire and a newborn they changed but very faint and a bit muddled as if someone interfered with it. Now when Alec helped her up, that bond changed to include the one mates have. Yet this one is weak and very breakable. I have never seen two supposed strangers, bond like that." he explained.

"Alec?" Alec wordlessly gave Aro his hand. After he was done, it was my turn. I got up and walked over feeling slightly better.

"Remember the deal." I spoke before he could do whatever. He nodded and took my hand in his and concentrated. It felt a little like something intruded in my mind but it wasn't a bad feeling.

"Ah now I see. I understand your deal now too. Thank you for allowing me to see your gruesome memories and I'm sorry for your losses especially at such a young age." He spoke the last bit softer.

"Thank you for your kind words." He let me sit on the steps to the thrones so I could rest from the experience I just had. I was glad because I was still a little shaky.

"Now, let's move on to some rather distressing matters. Isabella, if I may?" Aro couldn't read her either just like Edward couldn't. When he tried to let Jane have a go, Edward interfered.

"What to do now?" He questioned out loud.

"You know what to do, Aro. They know too much." Caius answered.

"True. Felix, Demetri, Kill the human girls." Edward interfered again fighting Felix while Demetri and the guy I now know as Alec kept Alice and Bella from interfering. I simply kept sitting.

"You have no intention to run in the confusion?" Caius asked.

"Chances are rather big that we will run into more of your clan. I cannot fight that many off and protect my sister at the same time. She is also quite clumsy at the worst moments so the chance to actually get out of here with her and alive are nearly nihil." I explained.

"What about fleeing alone?" Jane asked without taking her eyes off of the fight.

"I wouldn't want to leave her behind. She's family. what little of it I get to have, I'll want to keep safe."

"What about Alice and Edward? don't they count?" Marcus asked.

"What about them? They broke my sister's heart making her nearly catatonic in the process and then guilt-trip her into coming here to safe the dick's stupid ass. I would easily let them die if it meant she can live. What I do wish for is if I could have some popcorn. Watching a fight like this deserves a good snack to go with it." I answered. The mentioning of food was a bad idea because I hadn't eaten since before Harry's funeral.

"You are a fascinating human, miss Leona." Marcus said.

"She is, just like Isabella. Willing to sacrifice yourself for one of our kind. A soulless monster." Aro spoke up.

"You don't know his soul." Bella answered.

"I have seen Bella turned into one of us, in the near future. I will do it myself if needed." Alice said desperate to get out. 

"Ah, Alice. Let me see." Aro went and saw her visions. Perhaps he can tell why she never mentions me.

"Oh my, dear Alice seems to have withheld quite some information. I am happy with the promise of a turned Bella however I want something in the form of an insurance that you will keep your word."

"That's why Leona is here. She stays here and if we haven't turned Bella within a year, you can do whatever you want with her."

"Crazybitchsaywhatnow?" I got up.

"What?" Caius asked. I smirked and I could swear Demetri did too.

"Then it is agreed. Miss Leona will stay here as an insurance that young Isabella will be turned within the year. Do keep in mind, we will come and see if your promise has been kept. You know we don't do second chances." Why do they think they have the right to decide for me?

"Hold up. Who the hell decided on this idiotic plan anyway? Who is to say they won't kill me as soon as you are out of this place?" I felt hurt at being used this way.

"Edward and I decided it was best. I saw it as the best outcome. Bella agreed when I explained it to her on the plane." Bella nodded but she seemed guilty.

"Oh sure, let's dump the unwanted one in a highly dangerous place to safe our own asses. I expected this from Alice and maybe Edward but you Bella, you agreeing to this without a fuss is disappointing. I thought you grew somewhat out of the helpless damsel act when they left. Thank you for betraying me like this." I spoke. She looked down in guilt. 

Aro must've had enough of the drama. "Demetri please escort them to the waiting room." Demetri left.

"Alec, please show miss Leona to the guest room on the second floor in the eastern wing. That will be her room from now on." At least it wasn't a cell or a dungeon.

"Yes master." Alec led me silently. I kept my anger in until we arrived and he left me.

"Stay here until someone tells you, you can come out. It's our dinnertime now, after the masters will inform the rest of the guards that you are our guest and not to be harmed and or fed from" He warned. Of course, they need to feed too.

When I was left alone, I may have thrown stuff around. Angered, hurt, broken-hearted at the betrayal of my own sister. I just know I won't see Paul again and what will they tell Charlie?


And there we have it. It was indeed Alec. Slowly Leona's last days before she came to forks are becoming clearer.
The next mysteries are as followed:

Why does Alice never talk about Leona's future? Does she not look? Can't she see it or did something happen to Leona?

Also what happened between Alec and Leona? how did they bond the way Marcus saw it?

If you have any theories, please let me know. I always enjoy hearing your ideas

Have a nice week!!

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