Chapter 39

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He had made me breakfast and just sat to keep me company, apparently he had the week off due to Victoria's threat and seeing two kids graduate. "How did it feel to act as a leader and not a father that day?"

"Odd. I don't particularly like to punish people."

"Sometimes it's necessary especially with what happened. But I wasn't necessarily mad at you. Just disappointed that someone like you who does quite amazing things, to be too passive at the worst moments."

"True. While you were gone I kept your note but gave the hearing aids away. It was a good wake up call, that I had indeed been relying too much on Edward and Alice' gifts. So if something came up, I tried to do better and take the information they could give, to make my own decisions. After I realized how completely wrong we had been, with how we left and how you were used. I felt bad for underestimating you just for being a human, no matter how clever your observations had been. I'm sorry Leona."

"Glad you realized that with your aging mind. That means only one person left. Oh can you show me articles on the disappearances, I have a theory which I hope to proof right."

"Here they are." He said. We went over them, soon joined by Rose and Emmett, sorting them chronologically. There was one person that stood out to me. Riley Biers. Paul and I had run into him and his friends occasionally if we were out on a date. He was a nice guy, from Forks...

"Alice!" She came. "I think we found your roadblock so to speak. Riley is from around here. He knows Forks and La Push and he was the first to disappear mysteriously before sudden deaths began happening." I explained. "If Victoria was around here at the same time, she..."

"Might have turned him, and use him to avoid my visions but how does she know?" Alice thought out loud.

"Laurent. The guy was never really going to change. He probably got the information out of your cousins in Alaska." I answered after thinking about it.

"Irina would tell him after a little sweet-talk." Rosalie said. Poor woman. Being used like that. "Anyway it could be a lead indeed. We just need to make sure somehow."

"We'll figure it out. I have to go. I promised Charlie I would come by." I said waving goodbye and leaving the house. Going to Charlie I drove past Edward and Bella who came from there. They didn't look happy. I sped up and got home a little quicker. Leah and Seth were there. I parked my car and got out.

"Hey guys." I greeted.

"Leona? Hi!" They hugged me before Leah pushed Seth away, dragged me away and threw me into a tree.

"Leah?" Seth was startled.

"You're one of them! A real leech!" Leah yelled.

"I can explain, please. I don't want to hurt you or anyone. Perhaps a pack-meeting would be smartest so I can explain at once. This is also why I asked to talk to you all."

"Leah she's not lying. Sam told us earlier, remember?" Seth tried to calm his sister.

"Fine." So Leah shifted and howled. Seth went inside and told Charlie there was going to be a pack-meeting. Then I was to follow them. Once at the meeting point, I was immediately grabbed and flung around like a ragdoll.


"Leona?" I grumbled about my ripped clothes before turning to the voice. In the meantime the pack had phased back. "You are one of them now?"

"Yes but please hear me out. After that I'll leave the area if you want me to." Sam nodded and they sat down while I spoke. I told them about everything that happened in Italy and how I was turned. That I had found my equivalent of an imprint and about Charlie's visit. Then I told them that I didn't need to kill a human to feed, and that I could still eat human food as well as sleep.

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