Chapter 43

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Today was the day before the wedding and Charlie had come by. He was done with the fight between his daughters. "Bella, Leona. Here. Now." We both appeared in front of the man.

"I am fed up with your behavior towards each other. So start talking things out now before I lock you both in a cell and throw the keys." He warned them.

"I'm sorry dad. I just can't believe Leona would go and sleep with the enemy. They threatened my life unless I get turned and she acts like nothing is wrong with that." Bella grumbled.

"How else do you expect them to make sure the laws are followed Bella? If the supernatural world comes to light, what do you expect to happen?' He asked her.

"But still! The Volturi are evil!" She protested.

"They are not. Just outdated. I have been planting small ideas to change things for the better." I defended them.

"You were really working on that?" Charlie's eyes lit up. He had mentioned the potential of opening a trainingcamp of sorts to help newborn learn proper control over their new lives.

"I was. There are just some issues which is why I am staying here instead of going back already. Bella, you won't have to actually like Felix but I want you to just accept me being happy with him. Just like how I don't like you having to be turned without having experienced life as a human, I can accept you would do it to be with Edward." Because I can understand wanting to be with one's mate better than before.

"As if you have experienced life as a human." She rolled her eyes.

"I have. Oh and I can't forgive you for stringing Jacob along either. He deserves much better treatment. Do you know he ran all the way to Canada in wolf form because he was so hurt and mad at the wedding invitation?" That was where the pack had lost track of him.

She looked shocked. "I didn't. I had wanted to talk to him about the wedding to make absolutely clear where we stood. I had asked to leave that card out." Bella said. She wasn't lying.

"Sorry, Edward said you had changed your mind and you know I can't see around wolves to make sure." Alice apologized genuinely.

"It's fine. Oh and I have a question for all the vampires but not the humans. So dad why don't you walk with Bella. Perhaps she can use your help to balance in the heels." Charlie led Bella away.

"How would you guys like to be able to be in the sun during the day?" I turned to the other vampires.

"Without sparkling? That would be nice." Rosalie asked.

"Good then please make sure to touch the archway that serves as entrance before you find your seats during the ceremony. I have instructed your friends from Alaska to do the same." I explained how it would work.

The day of the wedding they all did as told and they appeared a bit more human. Somewhat less pale, and their original eye colors instead of the pure golden and not cold to the touch. It was amusing to see the surprise. "What about you?" Bella asked. They noticed I hadn't changed at all.

"It won't work on me unless I need to disguise myself out of safety. I merely changed how you look though nothing else. I don't need to hide from the sun which is another reason I didn't do it to myself. Consider this my wedding gift for you both and perhaps a peace-offering." I explained.

"Won't it exhaust you?" She asked probably remembering what happened after the battle with Victoria.

"Another pro to not being in the wedding party. I can sneak away to break into Carlisle's stash. Though I warn you when it is dark outside the changes will stop working." I made sure they knew this.

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