Chapter 50

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Annoyed with my confused thoughts, thanks Romanian dudes, I went down and was pounced on by children. Little Ren and Darren had hit it off well and I was apparently dubbed as storyteller.

I used my gift to tell them the story of sleeping beauty. Benjamin from the Egyptian coven watched and eventually helped make the story even livelier. But the thoughts of what the Romanians told me never left my mind.

That evening the guys built a bonfire that Benjamin lit. I was watching the flames wrapped in Felix' cloak. I hadn't heard from him since November and I was very worried. Garrett was telling war-stories. "I must admit, having a Wanderer in the mix has me somewhat at ease." Liam from the Irish coven said.

"If push comes to shove she can probably end the entire coven on her own." Jacob boasted. He told them about what I had done in the battle against Victoria.

"Would you do that, Leona? Wipe out the Volturi clan if it comes to a fight?" Stefan asked.

"Please don't say that. You have no idea what you are asking of me." I felt the pressure in the air rise as all eyes were on me.

"Why not? You do know they are the enemy now. Right? You have to kill them if they won't listen and a fight happens." Bella said. "Doesn't your family mean anything?" That made me snap a little.

"Would you do it if you were in my shoes? Would you kill Edward if I told you he was the enemy? Would you kill Carlisle or Charlie? Or even Alice if they were a threat to me? Because that is exactly what you are asking of me right now." I reminded them who the Volturi were to me.

"You are mated to one of them?" Tanya realized with shock, what I was trying to say.

"Traitorous spy." Was whispered amongst the vampires. I wanted to cry. Why can't I be allowed my own happiness and peace? I just want to live my life with Felix and help the Volturi modernize and teach newborn vampires the right way of life.

"Auntie Leo? Why are you crying?" Renesmee asked me probably not fully understanding what just happened. She stood in front of me and when I looked at her, she wiped my tears before showing me happy memories. That was her way to try and cheer me up. I smiled to appease her before I retreated to be alone but kept the group within earshot.

"That is enough! You should be ashamed of yourselves. If you have any idea what Leona has done for our family and our kind, you wouldn't speak like that of her. Not if you don't want her blood-relatives to come after you." Emmett growled with a nudge towards Jasper who was having to be calmed by Serena.

"How are you two related?" Amun asked Jasper.

"The second Wanderer's daughter was my brother's girl. He had gotten her pregnant before the vampire wars in the south hit Texas. The end of that bloodline is the heart-broken blonde you just chewed out and chased away." He answered.

"What all did she do then?" Siobhan asked.

"Leona served in the army until she was attacked by vampires after losing her husband. The attack resulted in her losing her unborn child and the ability to have children of her own. When James had her and her sister trapped in a ballet-studio, she kept him busy to protect her sister, and fed him a microbomb to stall long enough for us, to get to them in time. She was nearly paralyzed during that fight, after she was thrown against a broken mirror that cut her back open. She risked herself during Bella's birthday disaster and pointed out how Jasper was affected not only by his own thirst but also that of everyone in the room. When we left the way we did, she took revenge for it by putting us all in our place for our idiocy making friends with the wolves at the same time." Edward explained.

Next she got used as a getaway-card for Edward, Alice and Bella when Edward was stupid enough to try and get himself killed in Volterra by exposing himself. She was kept as an assurance that Bella would be turned within a year or she would be killed. She didn't complain about that, just that she wasn't informed. Leona survived four death threats in Italy and killed a vampire for trying to use her as a living shield. Her being the way she is slowly changed the way the Volturi thought of humans as proven when our family and/or the pack failed to keep Charlie safely here without exposing our world to him." Rosalie continued telling the group.

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