Chapter 13

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"Hey Asshole. I bet Victoria is having a party with Laurent and Frank. She probably knows you will die today and is celebrating to be rid of your stupid ass." I yelled to hopefully distract him.

That had him put the camera down and beat me up before biting me. Just as he was drinking from my hand, I barely managed to squeeze something in his mouth which he swallowed with the blood. "BELLA! NOW!" it took a moment for her to do as I had instructed but then there was a bang. And James was in clear pain. 

He stepped away and was thrown against another glass wall by Edward. The two fought and soon after, the others came. Edward and Carlisle focused on Bella. Emmett Jasper and Alice finished James before they found me. Well the boys did, Alice helped Edward and Carlisle.

Hands ran through my hair in a soothing manner. "Leona, we're here. It's okay." Emmett said.

"B-Bell... Bella." Where is she? Is she okay?

"She will be okay. Carlisle and Edward are with her." That was relieving to hear. I felt some sort of fire in my veins.

"P-pain..." My voice was hoarse now. Much softer.

"Huh?" I tried my hardest to make Jasper feel my pain. I tried to show them my hands. Jasper took them and inspected the wounds.

"Carlisle! LEONA GOT BIT TOO!" He yelled finally understanding. In no time the blond doctor was at my side, doing his thing.

"It isn't too late for her yet either. I do need one of you to get the venom out while another helps me with her back." He explained.

"I'll do it. I don't feel an interest in her blood like I would've if it were Bella." Jasper said. That's all I remember until I woke up in the hospital. Opening my eyes, I had to blink to adjust to the bright lights compared to that of the barely lit ballet studio. Once all the memories came back, I sat up straight but my back was hurting making me fall back down with a cry of pain and panicking a little. Where was my sister? Is Bella okay?

"Huh? Leona! You're awake!" Charlie spoke from my right side. I was trying to breath but the oxygen mask wasn't helping. I wanted to just rip it off but Charlie stopped me.

"Calm down, baby-girl. Let me call you a doctor." As soon as he left I took the mask off and breathed in the air, finally able to actually calm down a little. Sitting up little by little, I felt I wasn't able to sit up straight nor halfway without support. Finding the remote for the bed, I adjusted it so I could get more comfortable. Testing out the rest of my body, I found my arms were wrapped in bandages, as were my legs so I probably didn't break anything. At least nothing felt like I had.

Looking around, I saw Rose and Emmett pretending to sleep. Before I could ask them what the story was, as obviously I couldn't tell about James, Carlisle walked in. "Ah Leona. You're up. Rose, Emmett, please leave for now so I can examine her." He nudged the two as Charlie was in the room.

"Charlie, please leave. I'll call you when I'm done." Charlie nodded.

"So, I'm sure you have questions." Carlisle said when we were alone.

"What's the story for Charlie?" I asked.

"Edward tried to talk to Bella at the hotel you two were staying at. You had given him the address of it when he tried to get in touch. They argued and Bella left the room. You went after her to make sure she was okay but she slipped and fell through a window on the second floor taking you with her as you had caught up to her to talk. You tried to protect her, which resulted in the big cut on your back from the broken glass and the cuts on your hands and arm. Edward found you two and called an ambulance while performing first aid with Rose and Emmett whom had come with him for moral support." He explained the story they must have told Charlie.

"They haven't left your side since you came out of surgery by the way. Especially Emmett was concerned. He really loves you like a sister." That made me smile.

"He means a lot to me as well. How is Bella?" I hope she's okay.

"She has a broken leg and a few bruised ribs and of course a scar on her hand. Your mother is with her in the next room."

"I'm glad she's okay." I didn't care for Renee being here but didn't expect anything less. Bella was hurt so of course she was here. I just hoped she wouldn't blame this on me.

"Well, I'll talk to Charlie while you get some rest. I think you might get to go home in about a week. but after you'll have to take it easy with your back." he replied.

"Thanks Carlisle, for everything." I was genuinely grateful.

"Your welcome." He left. Emmett and Rose walked in.

"How are you, Leona?" Rosalie asked first while she helped me sit up a bit more comfortably.

"Better than expected. What happened to James?" I wondered if he was dead now. Please let that be the case.

"He is taken care of the proper way." Rose said with an angry glow in her eyes.

"It was funny though. He had this weird smoky smell, when we ripped him apart, and it was way easier too. At least, according to Jasper it was." Emmett commented.

"So it worked then? Cool." It was just an experiment. I didn't expect much of it.

"What worked?" They asked looking confused.

"As he was feeding from me, I fed him a microbomb. Then I told Bella to push the button on the remote I had given her just before we entered the studio. The bomb went off inside his body and he stepped away in pain. Then Edward came." I explained feeling relieved it worked because if it hadn't, who knows what would've happened.

"Oh you really are a fighter, aren't you?" Emmett smiled proudly ruffling my hair.

"There is also something else but that can wait until you get out of the hospital." Rose said.

"What is it?" I was curious now. Emmett nudged her subtly shaking his head.

"It concerns Frank." She said ignoring her mate.


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