Chapter 5

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"Don't worry Alice, I won't spill blood." What an odd thing to say no?

"Rose, don't hurt her." Emmett warned her.

"She is turning even you against me?" Rose questioned Emmett.

"No Rose. She just is a friend of mine. Nothing more. Can't I have that after all this time of just being with you and the family?" Why did that sound like he was talking about more than just the seventeen/eighteen years he claims to be?

Listing off everything in my mind about them, the perfect students, never eating or even pretending to eat, always gone with good weather, probably older than they seem considering the sometimes, old-fashioned, way they speak, the similar eyes, worried about spilling blood, when I imagined those eyes of theirs a different color, I was slowly coming to a conclusion but...

"She's figuring things out!" Edward suddenly yelled. How would he... a gift? Like Alice predicting Rose attacking me? Are them? Are they... vampires?

"She knows." He said only proofing my theory.

"All the more reason to kill her." Rosalie's eyes turned dark as in black.

"You do know my disappearance will be noticed by a cop, right? Not just a cop, but a chief of police, who will not be easily swayed to give up on finding out about what happened to his daughter." I was warning them blankly, trying to hide my slight nerves.

"No one will harm you. As long as you keep it a secret." Carlisle spoke with this tone that almost demanded to be obeyed. Shame it's a bit late for that. And that it didn't impress me in the slightest.

"As if I would have anything to gain by spilling a secret, I've kept for about five months now. It would be either the asylum for me, or, and that is an even worse scenario, jail for lying to authorities." They should've paid attention to my words, but all they seemed to hear is that I agreed. 

"Good, I'm glad we are on the same page." I rolled my eyes at his try of being intimidating or whatever he was trying to do.

"Yes! I won't lose my friend then." Emmett cheered happily. I was a bit apprehensive, at his genuine cheerfulness but found that I rather liked it.

"How about you go freshen up while I make dinner? I'm sure you have questions as do we." Esme suggested.

"Uhm. No thank you. Maybe some other time. As I told Emmett, it is my turn to try and cook tonight so I should go home." I turned to leave. I didn't want to be here, when the vibe was still a bit too tense for me to relax.

"I still say we make her disappear." Crap.

"ROSE DON'T." I was jumped. My head met the floor quite harshly. Then she bashed my head in a few more times, while I tried to reach my right boot. Once I did and my fingers clasped around the handle, I pulled the knife out and stabbed her in the shoulder. The shock on their faces was hilarious but I had too much of a headache to enjoy it.

"OW!" It got her away from me which was all I needed and wanted. I jumped away and took on a defensive position knowing my chance to really win here, were nihil. Especially with how dizzy I felt. I had forgotten however about number seven. Jasper. He pinned me down, not really harming me, but just making sure I wouldn't attack anyone. He took my knife, my only means of defense and somehow knocked me out cold. 

When I woke up, I was still at their place. This time, Doc was there. Prodding my head. I liked the cool feeling on my head though. So when he pulled away, I pulled his hand back on my head sighing at the cooling feeling.

"Good, you're awake. That means you won't have permanent brain damage. I'm not sure about a concussion though. Good thing you're having a sleepover per Alice' request. That way, I can keep an eye on you. Now how about some answers after you have eaten?" He asked with a slight undertone.

"I'm guessing I can't get away with saying no, so fine." I sighed.

"Good answer. I must apologize though. Rosalie seems to have taken a great dislike towards you. I never expected her to turn violent." He shouldn't apologize for something she did.

"From the day we met." I nodded but winced.

"Careful there. Don't move too fast or the damage might get bigger." I got up slowly seeing I had been changed into clean clothes that weren't mine.

"Those are Esme's. You and her share sizes. Your own clothes are being dried as we speak. The girls changed you after washing you to cool your body. To avoid you catching a fever." He explained.

"Oh. Uhm. Thank you." I called out.

"Your welcome!" A voice came from the room next to the one I was in. Alice I suppose. I followed the doctor downstairs, occasionally stumbling a bit, still not fully there yet. Then I realized something.

"Where are my gloves?" I asked the good man.

"In the dryer as well. They were stained with blood as well." No! if they saw my hands... I don't know what will happen. The sleeves were almost long enough to cover my hands but not fully. My fingers came out underneath. That was okay though. The palms and the backside had to be covered.

Then I smelled the food that was prepared. "Chicken?" I perked up.

"Emmett mentioned it was your favorite." He said.

"Is he angry I stabbed his woman?" I hoped not but wouldn't blame him if he was.

"Not really. He knows it was self-defense. We do have questions about that as well." That was somewhat re-assuring.

"I didn't expect otherwise." I was sat in the kitchen and I was watched as I ate. Esme had made sandwiches with roasted chicken, honey-mustard sauce, and some vegetable stuff. I loved it. She had also made me coffee. My gloves were also waiting on the table. I quickly put them on trying not to show them my hands, even though I knew at least some had seen them.


If you have any questions, thoughts or suggestions, please write them down in the comments or send me a message. I do read them all and answer when necessary.

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