Chapter 36

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Today was the day I was going back home for Bella's graduation. I just had the chat with Aro and now Felix was sending Jasper and I off. At the airport we got through check in just fine and were waiting for the signal to board the plane. "Will you be okay?" Felix asked me.

"I will. I am just a little worried about how they will react to me being what I am. Jasper asked Alice not to tell the family yet, on my behalf, in case she's had visions about me. I do hope I can have the chance to talk things out though. I've gotten over my initial anger at their betrayal though the hurt is still there but I don't want to go through life never seeing the again. We won't have to be as close as before, but I do want to be able to be in the same room with them again, and not want to hurt them the way I was." I answered.

Felix looked at me with a proud look. "You want to make peace with them. That's very mature of you despite you still being a newborn. I'm proud." He kissed my cheek. "Ah, I'll miss you this week. Promise you'll be careful? And I want daily updates in case I need to teach someone a lesson." Out of the two of us he was the fighter. While I do enjoy a good spar, and I know how to take care of myself, I usually prefer to be on defense instead of attack. He was the other way around.

"I promise. As long as you keep an eye out here for me, and update me on things in the city." As part of my training I went out at night and repaired stuff. And as part of learning to control my strength, I went around town to draw. Somehow I always ended my days or nights hanging out with Felix at the square where we had our first outside date, and where I realized my feelings for him. We would always sit on this one bench, and just talk or enjoy each other's company in silence.

"Of course." He nodded. They announced we could board the plane just then. Jasper had been quiet the whole time, but probably kept an eye out. We all got up and after a sweet goodbye kiss Felix saw us off, as we boarded the plane. I felt a little sad to leave him behind, but on the other hand I felt happy to see the pack and Charlie again. Okay fine, and some Cullens too.

Once we were seated, Jasper chose to speak up. It was odd to see him with colored eye contacts. "The two of you really compliment one another as a couple. The love you two feel for one another is heartwarming." I felt bad for him now. He was one of a few people whom still hadn't found his mate.

"Don't feel sorry. I'm sure I will meet my mate now that we are all finding our own purposes in life." He said when he noticed how I felt.

"Okay who are you and what did you do with Jasper. You're usually not this deep." I joked. He punched my arm in mock hurt.

"But seriously, don't worry about me. I am already happier than I've been and if this reunion goes well, it will only grow. I mean, I have a blood relative who I won't have to watch grow old and die, better control over myself and freedom." He assured me. With help from the Volturi, he had been properly training his thirst control and his gift, surprisingly under Caius' guidance.

The flight was a bit lengthy, but nothing interesting happened, and soon enough we landed in Seattle. We were picked up by a surprising person though. We had just gotten our bags and went through the exit to where people tend to wait for arrivals. Color us surprised when we were greeted by the whole family and Bella. Edward and Alice were still one armed. Carlisle and Esme were as adorable a couple as ever, and Rose and Emmett seemed cautious but also happy to at least see Jasper again. Bella was just her nervous, awkward self. Probably worried about how I would act.

"Rosalie, I trust the shoes were the correct size?" I began with my favorite blonde female Cullen. It was fitting to greet her first as she was the first of the 'kids' I had talked to the first time as well.

"Yes they were. You have good taste for not being very fashionable." She smiled relieved as she hugged me. Quick enough I was stolen by my favorite. "Emmett, give her back." Rose demanded half-heartedly from her mate.

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