Chapter 48

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"What happened there?" Darren asked once we stopped walking and began weeding the garden.

"Alice and William seem to be mates. As in Soulmates. When vampires meet their other halves, they have found the person that matters most to them, and who is the only one that can make them feel whole and alive." I explained as best as I could. "Being apart after meeting one another is hard, as vampire mates want to be as close as possible to each other to make the other happy.

"Interesting. So have you found yours yet?" he asked.

"I have. He isn't here right now but it helps that I have stuff that carries his scent. It makes how I miss him not as tough on me." I answered slightly saddened.

"So tell me what I need to know about being a vampire?" Darren asked and I explained everything he asked about. Poor guy nearly cried at never being able to eat his salmon sandwiches again. I didn't dare tell him I could still eat. The brothers stayed, though William and Alice went back north to meet the family for a while. 

Felix returned with new plans and such, so poor Darren had been forced to retreat to a different building because me spending time with a different male he didn't know, had Felix somewhat jealous and he had to show his dominance. I was sore after, so the men had to do a lot of work themselves.

I hadn't heard from Bella since I left the house after our argument. Edward calls me about little Ren, updating me about my niece. Never thought I would see the day I would get along better with him than with my sister.

"Mia stella? Who are you talking to all the time?" Felix asked.

"I want to tell you, but I don't know if I should. Things happened and I don't know how the kings will react when they find out." He frowned sensing the situation was serious.

"Tell me anyway. I am at your side. Not the Volturi, not the Cullens, yours." He assured me that whatever may be caused by this, he would be on my side.

"Bella birthed a half-vampire which was the cause of her being turned. She is a half-vampire just like how I seem to be. Renesmee can eat human food, she sleeps and cries like humans do, she even needs bathroom breaks as humans do. Oh, and she grows daily aging so fast." I told him.

"She grows?" That confused him.

"Yes. I heard stories of immortal children but she is nothing like that. In just the three days I have taken care of her she grew to look a week or two old. I heard rumors flying around about a similar vampire so I asked Jasper and Serena to find out more." I answered.

"You having witnessed her growth, will only be beneficial once the kings find out. And you know they will at some point." It was relieving to hear and he was right, the Cullens wouldn't be able to keep my niece a secret.

"I know. That's what worries me most. Oh and Alice found her mate in Darren's older brother. Everyone is finding their happiness these days, that makes me feel somewhat at ease though it worries me how long it will last." Wrapping an arm around me, he pulled me close to calm me down.

"What made that you didn't stay at the Cullens though?" He asked after he let go.

"Bella. Edward and I are getting along, mostly because I was a massive help keeping Bella and Renesmee, ugh such a mouthful, safe from murder and I looked after little Ren, while the family went out to hunt properly. But when Bella woke up she went mad that I, a human-blood drinking newborn was spending time with my niece, a 'fragile part human' daughter. Then she found out Jacob imprinted on Ren, whom he calls Nessie which makes sense as a nickname, and when I kept her from really hurting him, she threw me not being a mother in my face. That one really hurt so I left."

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