Chapter 28

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I was once again in my room during feeding time. I was sketching the three kings on their thrones when my phone went off notifying me about an email. Checking the message it was one from the pack.


How are you doing over there? Are you safe? We have dealt with the Cullens and thought you would like to see their reactions. Jared filmed both our punishment and their reactions to your surprise gifts. The video is attached to this email.

Hope you enjoy it as much as we do and that we'll see you again sometime soon.

Stay safe,

La Push Pack.

Curiosity had me check out the video. I noticed that some bits seemed left out but it probably wasn't important. It truly had been Alice who was the mastermind of the 'leave Leona behind in Italy plan'. I was glad Bella at least felt guilty. And proud that Paul had stayed in control enough to not start a fight. Emmett and Rose still cared if their anger was anything to go by. Carlisle was acting as a leader for once instead of a father.

Sam handled it all so well. He really was a good alpha. The video skipped to the Cullen house. It showed Edward dropping on his knees in shock at the look of his piano. I couldn't quite hear what was said. I smiled when they were understanding my gifts for them.

"What are you looking at?" A sudden voice startled me. I nearly dropped my phone.

"Oh god, Felix why did you scare me?" I asked him after catching my breath.

"I came to get you for your dinner. Humans do need their food in time." He answered.

"Oh thank you." I got up and followed him to the cafeteria where their human staff eats.

"So what was it you were watching earlier?" He broke the silence between us.

"The video? About how the Cullens were put in their place by friends of mine and I suppose by me for leaving us behind the way they did." I answered amused.

"Can we see?" Demetri joined us on the walk to the cafeteria. Demetri was the one I hit it off with since day one due to my interest in historical battles.

"Sure." At the cafeteria there was still some food left. The staff had already eaten. While I ate the vampires watched the video.

"These wolves are they-?" Felix asked.

"They aren't like real werewolves. Just don't harm any humans on their territory and you have no problem with them." I explained.

"Oh, the Cullens really were put in their place. Very fitting punishments. This Sam person is quite an impressive character. Your gifts were clever too." He complimented me.

"Thank you. I had a bit of help making it all happen though." I quickly finished dinner and was about to do the dishes but they took care of it instead.

"What's this? the human has vampires work for her instead of the other way around? How disgusting." A girl walked in I guess turned when she was 20-ish.

"What is it, Maylene?" Demetri sighed.

"My interest was peaked when I smelled the human around this area. I don't see what's so fascinating about this bloodbag. She's not pretty, weak, I don't see anything special at all."

"Just leave. She's our guest." Felix said.

"More like hostage, who'll end up being our meal." 

"Who was that?"

"Maylene, she's of the lowest guard though acts like a princess. Don't worry about her though. Oh Master Aro told me to inform you your shopping trip is tomorrow." Demetri said.

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