Chapter 52

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I looked down at the body in front of me "G-give me back my mate?" I asked.

"The only way I can reverse your mate's death, is if you give me a different life of equal importance to you in turn." She explained in a cool tone. like she was talking business.

"L-like who?" I asked though I had the feeling I knew the answer already.

"Your own. Come and join me as my servant. What you were to do here has been done." I should've paid attention to how she said things but I was just too happy with the idea Felix could come back to me.

"A-As you wish." I agreed. She did some sort of spell I think and I watched Felix' wounds heal and even his head got re-attached. He awoke with a gasp looking around wildly until his gaze landed on me. In a second, he had me in his arms and his hands roamed my body, as if to look for wounds. When finding none, he cupped my face and wiped a stray tear with his thumb.

"Mia Stella." His voice cracked a little as he kissed my forehead then my lips before he buried his nose in my neck, taking in my scent. I did that last bit as well, trying to take in as much as I could to keep Felix in my memory. Something told me I wouldn't see him ever again.

"I'm okay, Tigre mio." I tried to comfort him. Was it wise to ask for him to live just before I have to leave him?

"Child, come. We must go." Gaia ordered.

"He can't come with me, can he?" 

"I fear not, child. Your path is long and unfit for him to tread on. Do not worry of your mate, he will not be sad for long. Say your goodbyes now." At least my 'master' allowed me to say goodbye to everyone here. I left Felix' hold on me, and ran over to the Cullen side first.

"Hey little Ren, be good to your mother, okay?" I patted my niece's head lightly.

"I promise." She answered 

"Same goes for you eddie-kins. You better treat Bella right." He nodded with a sad look.

"Leona? I'm sorry for what I said before." Bella spoke next in a quiet tone while she looked at the ground. She was genuinely sorry for everything.

"I'm not mad anymore, Bells. There is just no point in staying mad. Just take good care of your family, hm? I'm proud of  you, little sis." I hugged her. That prompted a group hug from the three and Jake.

"Leona, dear. Do you have to leave?" The parental figures were next.

"I don't really have a choice. At least now I won't have to mourn losing Felix never quite able to be fully happy again. And I get to find out just why a Wanderer exists. Thank you though. For allowing me to experience the care of a mother." I hugged Esme.

"Goodbye, Leona. You will certainly be missed here." The blond doctor said.

"Bye Carlisle. It was interesting to see your leader qualities the past few days. Thank you for everything though." He was the one that hugged me instead of the other way around.

Emmett and Rosalie were both about to cry if they could. "Emmett, is that a tear I see in your eye?" I joked trying to lift the mood a little.

"N-no." Aw, the poor guy is still trying to be tough.

"Come on big guy. I can't have you so sad when you take my project over now can I?" My bones got nearly crushed. If that was possible at least.

"We'll miss you Leona." Rose said patting her mate's back. He loosened his grip a little and both of them kissed my cheeks. After they let go, I turned to my great-times-something uncle.

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