Chapter 47

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Alice came after me while I gathered my things. "Don't go, please. At least until Bella wakes up." She said.

"Why? I have no business here any longer." I shrugged.

Edward came too. "You can help her adjust. Make sure she won't hurt anyone. She'll have someone who can understand the struggle." I snorted.

"That's not my job, Edward. That's yours as her mate and husband. Besides I didn't have the same time as a newborn she'll have. We won't compare." I looked at him pointedly.

We ran into rose holding the baby. "At least meet your new niece?" I tried to not do that. I wasn't sure I was ready. Not because of the blood flowing through her veins, but because of the emotions that might come crashing down.

"Some other time. I-." Rosalie put the child in my arms She had already grown a bit. Carlisle came home and then the examinations began. Renesmee, or Nessie as called by Jacob, grew faster than thought. It worried most of them. I just asked around in the southern connections I was building when renovating the mansion, and heard interesting information so I didn't worry at all.

Little Ren grew on me quite easily and I took good care of her while the others went out hunting.

"She's up in a few minutes." Alice said excited. I ignored her while showing my niece a couple of little tricks while telling her a fairytale. Edward went up first, and took her hunting. Then the family met her. Everything was fine, so to speak.

'Auntie Leo? Will she like me?' Renesmee asked me through her gift by showing me her memories of Bella.

"She will love you. Like everyone does." I heard them explain Renesmee had grown quite fast and then they showed her. Or rather us. Looking up we saw Bella, prettier than before.

"You left our fragile part human daughter with a human-blood drinking newborn?" And it went down the drain. That seems to happen a lot with female blood-relatives.

"Hello to you too Bella. Seeing as you are awake now and probably in control after your hunt, I can leave little Ren's care to you. Your welcome by the way for the support I offered during your pregnancy and keeping the wolves from attacking. Have a nice day." I got up and was about to go to my room only for a small hand to touch mine.

'Don't go. Fairytale.'   My newest family member asked me to continue the story.

"Some other time. Your mother doesn't trust me near you. You should meet her properly."

"Get my daughter away from her." Bella demanded. I let Rose take Renesmee from me to give her to Bella and I left the house with a sigh. I loved my niece but it didn't make things easier for me. Still having human traits made me wish that I still had that human trait but I know that I never will. And that hurt.

"Leona?" I was joined outside by Edward. "I'm sorry about what Bella said." He said.

"Don't be. You didn't make her say it." I said. "Was there something you need?" I asked when he didn't leave.

"No, I just wanted to thank you, for the massive help you have been looking after Renesmee. I may have accidentally caught your thoughts about the information from your contacts and it eases my mind a little. So thank you for that too." He said and if you really looked at him he seemed a little less stressed.

"You're welcome." A short hug before we both leaned on the railing.

"How are you doing with your project?" He asked.

"Pretty good. The renovations are taking a lot out of me as my gift always does when I'm not using it to defend in battle, but the results are great so far. I hope it can actually help even when the supernatural world gets found out eventually. I just hope Felix gets back soon so we can continue planning and stuff." I was grateful for the change of subjects.

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