Chapter 18

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I was confused when Carlisle shook his head. "Not entirely true. I have been running some tests on your blood and you are like 95% human and 5% vampire now. Before James' attack you were 2% vampire. While we got most of the venom out, you were still turned slightly."

"However, the traces of venom weren't just from James and whoever attacked you the first time. They were from Jasper and whoever got it out of your system the first time. Emmett told me you were experiencing some small changes in your daily life, right?" He asked.

"Yeah, just that my senses were a bit sharper and my reflexes too but that's all." I confirmed.

"While I do want you to live your life the fullest, I do worry about you. What if you change more? I mean these small things probably happened without really noticing at first. What if the rest happens like that too like the bloodlust or that you lose control over your strength and hurt someone by accident or worse?" And that's why I can respect Carlisle's opinion more than either of the ones I heard before. It isn't just because he thinks I would just go around telling everyone about them. 

"Now this is something I would have to think about before deciding. besides I'm not even going yet for at least a year. So how about this? Depending on if any changes happen, and if they do what kind of changes, I will decide whether or not I'm going to Italy. You know me well enough to know that I wouldn't expose your secret. Even more so now you told me about your rulers."

"I guess that's a good compromise. Would you mind letting me test your blood occasionally to see if your 5% grows to be more?" Did I see some form of excited curiosity in his eyes?

"Not really if it helps you let me make my own decisions." I shrugged.

"Then, miss Swan, you got yourself a deal." Jasper came in and handed me his phone.

"He wants to talk to you." I took it from him.

"Hello?" Who would this be?

"Leona this is Peter Whitlock. The dude you know as P.W." Ah, the guy that practically exposed the existence of vampires  to me. 

"Oh, hi." I didn't know how to feel about talking to this guy.

"Listen. It's time to give that dog-tag of yours away. You already met the person it should belong to. It has to happen this week otherwise it will be too late." That confused me.

"Who is it?" I asked.

"Jasper." Jasper felt just as confused as I did. At least the look on his face made me think so.

"And you couldn't have told me any sooner because?" People not telling me these things was one of the things that annoyed me.

"Things needed to happen. Oh and do not worry about Italy. It would actually be better for you to go than not to." He answered only confusing me more.

"How do you know that for sure?" Probably a gift of sorts.

"My gift is like the pixie but my 'visions' aren't based on decision making so I know what is supposed to happen no matter what. Just don't always know why." I was right.

"I understand." Not really, but I was done.

"I can't wait to meet you though. We'll see you in two years." He hung up like that. That was odd but quite interesting.

"Why did Peter want you to give me a dog-tag?" Jasper asked.

"I don't know. All I know is that it's the one Frank was after. One second." I went to my bag and took the mentioned item out of it, giving it to him. "Here you go." I gave it and when he read the name on it, he was probably remembering if he knew the guy.

He didn't say much about it so I went back to kick Emmett's ass with games. The rest of summer I enjoyed time to just live. I did keep exercising as I liked to stay fit which was how I met Sam, Paul and Jared, the first wolves of this generation. I was out on my motorcycle and found a cliff in La Push. The view from there was beautiful and I drew it as I took a lunchbreak sitting underneath the single tree there.

"Good afternoon." I turned around seeing three boys. They were all from La Push and pretty buff. They approached me cautiously. As if worried I would do something.

"Hello." I greeted.

"See Sam, I told you she wasn't suicidal. She's just drawing the view." One of them said grabbing my sketchbook.

"Hey, give it back, I didn't finish yet." I said getting up.

"This is already pretty good. You have a talent here miss..." the Sam guy spoke going through the drawings. Most consisted of constellations or the creature that represented them like a scorpion for Scorpio or a merman with an amphora pouring water for Aquarius. Some were of Charlie and Bella, one of Renee, the house, and the Cullens.

"Leona. Can I have it back please?" Perhaps politeness would work. 

"What will you give up for it?" the third guy grabbed the book.

"A kick in the nuts if you don't." I was annoyed now. My sketchbook means a lot to me.

"Such a dirty mouth for a little girl. I bet you're all talk." He teased.

"Don't try me. Boy." He kept holding the book over my head. I wasn't the tallest but taller than Bella yet I still couldn't reach.

"Paul give it back. The book clearly is important to her." Sam said. The first guy took the book from Paul.

"Sam, she drew them as well." The one that I didn't know yet said. Sam took the book back and I was kind of nervous about the rough way they handled the pages. I didn't want my drawings to be ripped.

"This family, are you close to them?" Sam showed me a family picture of the Cullens. I had done that one twice. One was in Carlisle's office.

"Yes the eldest kids are my friends." He handed me the book and I smoothed out all the pages before putting it away.

"Are you chief Swan's daughter?" The first guy asked. 

"The eldest but adopted one of the two yes." I kept saying that while I could easily say I am Bella's half-sister. I don't really know why I don't do that.

"I see. I guess it's fine as long as they don't come here." after that they seemed a bit nicer.

"Leona." I turned around. Frank was near my motorcycle. I thought he had left.


So, Leona met the wolves, without knowing what they are and Frank is back. What will happen I wonder...

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