Chapter 20

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"I'm sorry about this. Jasper is still quite new to the diet." The doctor said while treating Bella's finger.

"First of all ew, never let me drink blood it's disgusting. Second of all, it wasn't Jasper who was most affected originally. Edward was, what with the whole 'singer' thing. Jasper is just affected by all the bloodlust in all of you put together because of his gift. If he can find an off switch for that, he will have it so much easier. Besides I'm sure if you all could learn to calm the hell down, it would help him to stay calm too and nothing would've happened. He hunted before the birthday party started just in case." I have no idea why I was so defensive about this.

"Huh, fair point. I don't think we thought of this that way before." Carlisle answered while Bella walked away.

"Just... I don't know. Don't let Edward decide for you what will happen because of this. He doesn't run this family. You do. He may feel bad about bringing Bella into your world but there is no going back out of it for either of us. She is too smart for that. Alice saw her as one of you already not without reason. Seeing how accepting she is for who or what you are and everything around it, I think she was simply meant to be one of you." Bella certainly fit in quite well.

"Oh yes but I do want to do what's best for them both." And breaking up is just that?

"That won't be separating because of a simple incident that could've been easily avoided if he wasn't such an idiot. It would break her heart and she would feel the human equivalent of the pain of a vampire losing her mate and that will make me want to hurt Edward. And we both know I can."

Turns out my speech of how I had observed things had been to deaf man's ears as Edward did leave Bella over this. And he took the Cullens with him. When I found out, I was upset as I didn't want to lose my friendship with Emmett and Rose and Jasper. I still didn't know what was so important about the dog-tag I gave him. He was kept away by Alice.

I found Bella with Sam's help and when she was home, dry and warm and asleep due to doctor Stevens' help, I went to their place. The house was shut down and the cars were mostly gone. I had gotten a key to the garage because of my motorcycle and because I helped take care of the cars a lot. Edward's car was left behind. So I decided to get revenge on it later with a little help from the wolves. Paul would probably be more than happy to. I had also kicked the screen in-front of the front door leaving a rather big dent in it and the window in the door broke. I could tell by the shattering sound of glass.

"Leona?" I turned around seeing Emmett and Rose.

"Why are you still here?" I thought they were gone.

"We are finishing up here. Why are you so upset? Bella broke up with Edward." Rosalie was genuinely confused. That bastard lied? 

"She didn't, it was the other way around. I had to find her lost in the woods, curled up as she was in a lot of pain from the broken heart, she might have gotten sick too as she was wet from the rain and almost as cold as you guys are. She wrapped her arms around her chest to hold herself together." I explained leaving the wolves out. They knew I was with Paul, just not that he was a wolf.

They took in my side of the story. "He lied!?!" Finally.

"He did. I did warn Carlisle this could happen beforehand."

"We're sorry. We should've known better." They felt bad. Secretly Rosalie did have a soft spot for Bella. and Emmett had learned to accept Bella though he just found her clumsiness amusing.

"Just go already. It's not like you knowing the truth will change anything. Just ask Carlisle to tell you what I told him. And Leave Edward's car here for me to play with." They left promising to kick Edward in the face for me.

The next few months I tried my best to help Bella get through but she barely ate, spoke only when spoken to and in short answers, and barely did anything out of her own free will. She did get mad at me when I showed her what I had done with Edward's car. I repainted it bright pink with purple flowers on it and wrote the words moron, idiot, asshole and more insults on it in a little special kind of paint that would always shine through. Paul had helped me to change the radio to be stuck on one frequency only. The channel that only plays metal and rock 'n roll. Edward considers that music from hell so we probably made him happy with that.

Paul also stuck accessories on the car that made it look like it could be part of a parade. When Bella found us playing like that, she finally yelled at us. But not because she wanted us to stop.

She led us inside and told us to do the same with his beloved piano while she took care of his room. Dad scolded us for it but he did ask for pictures with a proud grin. He knew this was a breakthrough for Bella to help her get over Edward leaving the way he did. Bella finally came out of her shell after this. She hung out with Jake taking up motorcycling and cliff diving. 

"Not gonna lie Bella, I'm kind of jealous you ask Jake to ride the motors with you instead of me but I'm proud of you growing stronger, little sister." I told her as she was getting ready to leave with Jake again.

"Thanks to you and the pack. Thank you for being there for me, Leo. I am very lucky with a sibling like you." She smiled.

"Ah keep that in mind when you cook for me and Charlie." I joked. I can't cook for the life of me. Making sandwiches, yes. making meals that require stoves or grills, no.

She found out about the wolves when Paul and Jake were arguing about something stupid. Leah and Seth joined the pack when their father, Harry, died after they phased. Charlie went to the funeral with me while Bella was catching up on homework with Jake as the wolves had been guarding us. Laurent had returned and I just knew Victoria wouldn't wait long for her return either. 


Oh my, we are nearly at 32k views, I actually nearly cried happy tears seeing the numbers.
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Slowly but surely we are moving towards an important event which will most certainly change Leona's life. Which event that is? well that's for me to know and for you to find out in future chapters.

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