Chapter 19

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"What do you want?" I asked him.

"You should get away from these mongrels. They aren't safe." Mongrels? You mean like dogs?

"Tch, like you are safe to be around." The three boys were tense. They were shaking.

"I won't hurt you but these mutts don't control themselves. Now come here. I'll keep you safe while you go home." Why does he keep calling the boys names?

"Just because you were the cause of my existence doesn't mean you have the right to order me around. Go away before someone gets hurt." I was so glad the Cullens had found my knife and given it back when I came home.

"Paul, Jared, you go after him while I get her out of-." Paul didn't wait. He ran a few feet before exploding and in his place was a big wolf. The wolf went after Frank whom ran away. So the legends Jacob told Bella are true. They really are shape-shifters.

Jared went after Paul turning wolf as well and Sam was obviously conflicted. Stay here to keep me the weak human protected or go help his pack.

"Sam, go help them. I'll be fine. Frank wasn't looking for a snack and I can take care of myself." I assured him.

He hesitated but ran before turning as well. His wolf was bigger and fully black. I decided to sit down and wait it out. About twenty minutes later the one I had seen first, Paul, came back still chasing Frank. Frank tried to grab me but I stabbed him in the throat with my rusty trusty dagger and pushed him off. Paul grabbed him from behind and Jared helped him to rip Frank apart.

Sam stood between them and me in case Frank broke away but it wasn't needed. "The leech is gone now. We ripped him apart and burned the pieces. He is no problem anymore." Jared said.

"Good riddance." I was relieved.

"Sam you should've seen it. She stabbed him with this un-interested face like it was normal." Paul recounted with some sort of star-struck  look in his eyes.

"Vampires can't be stabbed." Sam replied in disbelief.

"They can with this. The blade is covered in dried vampire venom. It strengthens the blade enough to pierce the skin. It also hurts the vampire more as it is venom that isn't their own."

"Tell us about yourself." That's how I got to know this generation's pack. Apparently, they come from a long line of shapeshifters that exist to protect the tribe. They took me to Sam's place for some dinner. There I met Emily. Sam's imprint. "A word of advice, don't stare." Sam said. When I saw her I understood.

"I don't see why I can't stare at such a pretty girl, Sam. Worried my gaze might steal her away?" I joked. I had noticed the scar on her face and something told me it had to do with Sam, what with how he looked when he warned me not to stare. but how they treat one another made me think it was an accident.

"No but..." He looked down.

"Look I may not know what happened, but I do know how scars can make someone feel insecure. I got lucky mine are easy to cover up. Some don't have that luck. I think the best they can do and those around them is to learn to feel confident even with those marks. Whether they are from a bad piece of history or they are from surviving a threat, scars are mere proof that one was able to live through whatever life threw at them. But that's just my opinion." I shrugged at the end.

"That does sound good but what do you know about scars?" Paul asked.

 "What do you know about me?" I replied with a question of my own.

"Nothing really. Only what you told us." They answered.

"I came home from the army because I was unable to use my hands properly. I have scars on my hands from the last assignment I had out there. I also have a giant scar on my back from a vampire attack two months ago. Don't worry I am not a vampire, the Cullens made sure of that. My sister and I were under threat by this hunter like vampire. we lured him away from here to protect Charlie but he lured Bella into a trap using Renee. Her mother. We ended up against him on our own for a couple of minutes and he threw me against some glass panel. it ripped my back open hence the scar there. The hunter got killed by the Cullens  and they made sure neither Bella and I would turn but that we would survive that event." I explained. 

"Wouldn't Renee be your mother as well?" Ah yes the forever confusing bit of my life.

"Renee is my biological mother but Charlie isn't my dad. Frank, the vampire from earlier was. well before he was turned." I told them the basics and even Emily praised the boys for taking Frank down.

Paul had taken a liking in me and I liked him too. We became friends before we were lovers. He did tell me that it wouldn't last forever as there was this thing called an imprint. From what I understand it is the equivalent of a soulmate for vampires. and I wasn't his. I told him about me going to Italy so it wouldn't have lasted anyway as I don't really believe in long-distance relationships. Paul did make me feel loved, appreciated and beautiful even with the giant scar on my back and the ones on my soul. The wolves and Emily had gotten a place in my sketchbook too.

Then September rolled around and Bella's birthday happened. I had gotten her a gift that she would love. I had hunted down the eldest copies of her favorite books with a bit of help from the Cullens. Along with drawings of scenes from the books.

When she opened Edward's gift, it happened. She cut herself. I simply put her finger in my mouth to lessen the scent knowing that most of them would be affected by it. "Leona, what are you doing?" Bella asked but Rose understood. If I had made her do it herself, well she wouldn't have taken that too well. plus I thought a different scent would help as well. 

"Thanks Leona." they worked Jasper out of the room but Edward was the biggest threat here with the whole singer thing. When he finally left the room, Carlisle came and checked the wound.


And now we've reached the birthday party and everything that happened in New Moon. I wonder how Leona will deal with those events.

I also have a question for you, how exactly do you think Leona survived the vampire attack that caused her to lose her child and come home? 

if anyone has a theory on this, please tell me in the comments or in a pm. I am curious if someone can come close to the truth.

I'm sorry for the slight delay this week, I had a birthday to celebrate and didn't have time to post a new chapter on Sunday like I usually do.

Thank you all for your support so far. this story passed 28k views and the 700 votes and I am a little proud of those facts. I hope you will continue to enjoy this story.

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