Chapter 14

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"What about him." I felt blank. I really didn't care for him. He had the audacity to act like he did nothing wrong when I first met him.

"Before Laurent left to meet the Denali coven, he said that Frank said he wanted something of yours. Said it belonged to him as it was a family heirloom. We haven't seen Frank ourselves nor is he anywhere near Forks at the moment." Rose explained. So Frank got away huh?

"Did he say what it was?" I asked.

"A dog-tag I believe." 

"I understand. I don't know if I should though. I was told to keep it myself by the same dude that gave me the knife. He told me it was important to keep it until I met someone." I answered.

"Who?" They asked.

"I don't know. He said he would tell me about that person so I guess it is someone he knows." I shrugged.

"I wonder why Frank wants it though. He doesn't share a last name with the person the tag belonged to so I doubt he is family." At least as far as I know.

"We'll figure it out when you get back. Your mom is coming this way." Ugh, I don't want to deal with Renee.

"Hm, can you stay? I know this will probably be a very emotionally draining conversation for me and I don't want to be alone with her." I asked them.

"We'll be near." But out of the room. And like two seconds after, Renee walked in.

"Renee. What brings you here?" I asked with a fake smile.

"Making sure you know that I blame you for Bella's wounds. If you had actually done as you told Charlie and kept an eye on her, she wouldn't have run away and gotten hurt." She said.

"How do you explain my wounds then? which as I understand are quite worse than a broken leg and a small scar on her hand? Which I gained because I was with her the whole time and protected her from getting hurt worse?" I asked.

"That's the very least you could've done. I am not surprised though. From what I heard you spent a lot of time around taken boys so perhaps this was your punishment for being a man-stealing slut. However, since you have never done anything else, I guess the only true punishment would be death for you." does she really hate me that much?

"I never stole anyone from anyone." not that I know of at least.

"You stole Charlie from me." uhm, what?

"No I didn't. You just decided that he wasn't worth your time anymore because he tended to be what you have never been, to a child who wasn't at fault for the way she was created." Keep calm, Leona, don't let your emotions overwhelmed.

"And what would that be?" 

"A parent. You have never been one as you were too free-spirited, too much in need of adventures that having a child or two would be holding you down. Instead of you taking care of us, we have taken care of you. When we were able to, that is." I explained.

"I kept you fed, gave you a roof over your headand clothes to wear." She nearly yelled.

"No. you provided the money Bella took charge of eventually to pay the bills. I kept that roof and everything that got broken fixed to either save money or to earn a bit more to make ends meet when you spent too much on your little hobbies." I replied.

"Finally grew a spine huh? I guess sleeping with all those men was at least good for something. I wonder how the women and especially the mother of that family even allowed that. I guess they might have joined in. I hope you kept that away from innocent Bella. I'm glad that at least the boy that's seeing Bella is somewhat sensible. The rest of that family just disgusting. I bet it's because the 'parents' are still quite young for adopting five teens." Did she just insult not only me but also the Cullen family while simultaneously praising Bella like she's an angel? Hell. No. I don't know why or how but I felt this anger inside me build and run through my veins like a current and my hands were itching terribly.

"Get out." I was nearly growling.

"Why? Can't handle someone knowing the truth?" she was smug too. I wanted to actually punch her.

"No, because I don't know if it is wise to speak to a stranger. Isn't it usually only family that's allowed to see patients?" I was done seeing her as my mother.

"I am family." She exclaimed.

"No you are not. You just so happened to put me on this world but that doesn't make you family if all you can do is insult the people I care for whom have helped me adjust to the civilian life after I came back from the Army, the man who has more parenting skill in the nail of his little toe than you in your entire body and a girl who only wished for some affection but got flat out ignored at the best of times and left behind in the worst places to leave a child just because you were hurt when she was created." She actually smacked me.

"How dare you speak to me like that! I am your mother. I hope for your sake you'll never..." I gave her the darkest glare I could. Something told me that what she wanted to say, was not going to be even remotely nice.

"Finish that sentence, I dare you. See what happens." She actually looked scared but still opened her mouth just before Esme walked in.

"Renee, I wouldn't do that if I were you. You should know a few things before you ever say another word to Leona." She advised while Rosalie and Emmett comforted me, as they knew what would've come out of Renee's mouth before she was interrupted.

"Why should I let her threaten me like that?" She asked.

"Her anger is just to hide her pain. Come with me so we can talk." The two women left the room and I let the anger go crying into Rose's arms while Emmett had us both wrapped in his arms.

"It will be okay, Leona. We're here for you." They said while trying to offer me some comfort without touching my back.


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