Chapter 26 part 2

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"Hm. Let's get on with the meeting for you are breaking rules left and right lately." Sam reacted not wanting to hear more lies.

"What exactly are you accusing us of?" The big one asked. That has to be Emmett.

"First you left Bella in a highly dangerous forest on her own, if it hadn't been for us, she might have died of hypothermia before she was found. You left the area so Forks became part of our territory and so you are trespassing. You left not one but three highly dangerous vampires alive, not caring they might seek revenge for their killed coven-member. And you took two human girls to a vampire lair to save your own asses. Those are crimes not easily overlooked." He listed off.

"Leona is home, she didn't come with us." Edward tried again but he figured they knew the truth somehow.

"Funny, then why did she call us from Italy, broken-hearted and truly upset that Alice, Edward and Bella used her as leverage to get themselves out alive and as insurance that Bella would be turned for knowing about your existence?" The vampires' reactions to that bit of news were interesting and enlightening to say the least.

"YOU LEFT HER BEHIND IN VOLTERRA?!?" Both Jasper and Emmett yelled nearly roaring. Rosalie snarled at the trio. Edward pulled Bella behind him with a hiss at her.

Esme seemed too shocked to really say anything and if she could cry she would. Carlisle seemed to not know how to feel. Disappointment, anger, worry. 

Edward didn't really know what to focus on. Emmett and Rosalie were planning their murders but were also fearing what the Volturi might do to their friend. The wolves were doing the same along with playing the conversation they had with Leona through their minds.

Jasper was trying to not get overwhelmed with the emotions. Alice was thinking about fashion probably on purpose. The parent figures were also fearing what the Volturi might be doing to the girl. The mind-reader felt bad to have disappointed them, especially Carlisle. And of course he couldn't read Bella. but her face said enough. 

"I-I'm sorry. They said that everyone would end up happy if we did that but I feel awful for it." Bella began. "Alice said Leona would be okay with it. That she had seen Leona happy if we went through with it. I wouldn't have done it had I realized the truth." She finished nearly crying. She remembered the look of betrayal Leona had in her eyes.

A gray wolf growled tensing up. Sam glanced at him before turning to the girl. "Still no excuse. I dare bet you didn't even tell her about your plan." He answered.

"We couldn't. Alice said if we did that we would have died." She replied.

"How could you leave her behind! She is family!" Esme finally reacted.

"She's just Bella's sister Esme, and an attention-whore at that. Having everyone wrapped around her finger. She tried to steal our men from us. I just had to do something about it." Alice said snootily rolling her eyes. One of the wolves left.

"Paul said he's sorry but he can't stay and hear you speak trash about Leona any longer." Edward said though the look on his face said Paul was probably using a more colorful way to express his thoughts.

"Quil, go with him. make sure he won't do something stupid." A different wolf nodded once and left after the first one.

Sighing with frustration Sam turned to the vampires again. "I think it's glaringly obvious that Alice is the mastermind but Edward you are responsible as well. Bella too but less so as she is human and probably just followed your lead. Punishments need to be dealt.

"Bella, you are banned from La Push until further notice. You are not welcome on our lands nor allowed any contact with any of us, until I decide you've been punished enough. Jacob will sent you home now." He addressed the Swan girl first.

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