Chapter 46

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Before she went home after the long fun day, Claire even went as far as hugging both of us. "Thank you for the fun day, auntie Leo and mr Felix!" She said before waving as Emily took her home.

"She's a cutie huh?" Kim commented as we watched the two leave.

"Yes, seeing young children like Claire, makes me wonder sometimes. How different would my life have been if I hadn't taken that last repairs-assignment before I came home." I replied.

"You mean you would've had a little one of your own then?" She asked.

"Hm, I don't like to talk about it much though." I told her hoping she won't ask more.

"That's okay. If you want to talk, we're here for you." Kim said hugging me real quick before joining Jared's side.

"Do you regret accepting that assignment?" Felix asked when she was out of earshot.

"Honestly? Sometimes. If I hadn't, I would've been a married human, with a little boy or girl of my own to love and take care of with my husband. On the other hand, I wouldn't have met you and now I have, I don't know if I would've been happier with a normal human life." I answered him.

"Do you know if you would be able to be pregnant again? Considering all your human traits." It shouldn't be too far-fetched to think that way.

"I don't know but I don't think I want to know either. If it ever happens, then it would be a lovely surprise but if I have hope that it might happen and it never does, I will only bring myself down." I told him feeling a little upset talking about it. He wrapped me in his arms and stroked my hair trying to sooth me.

"Then we will see whatever the future holds for us." He said. The tone in his voice told me it was a promise he would keep until the end. The elders arrived for dinner and story-time after.

"Leona, glad you could come." Billy greeted me first.

"I'm glad to be here too. Oh may I introduce you to my mate? This is Felix. He was with us during the battle against the redhead. Tigre mio, these are Billy Black, Jacob's father. Quil Ataera senior, Quil's grandpa and Sue Clearwater. Seth and Leah's mom. They are the council of this tribe."

"An honor to meet you. Thank you for allowing me on your lands. I would be mad with worry for my mate, if I was forced to stay back." He greeted them formally.

"Your welcome." It wasn't long before the boys had roped Felix in a game of ball while we prepped the food. I built comfortable seats from the wood and stone around me with my gift.

"That keeps being so unreal to watch." Paul said. He was in charge of building the fire today.

"It feels unreal that I can do this." I sat down watching him build. "What's bothering you?" usually he would've been more chatty about how the guys cheated during our game of ball or something.

He sat still for a moment. "We heard what Kim asked about. Why didn't you tell me about it when we were a couple?" He asked. 

"I didn't want to bring it up knowing I would just break my own heart again." I answered honestly

"Does Felix know?" 

"Yes. He was there when it happened." Before I could explain more, Paul phased and went after Felix. But in order to get to him, he had to get past me so he knocked me away, sending me into a rock. The pain in my back and head, as I hit this big and rough stone, had me cry out in pain as I fell into wet sand.

"Leona!" People exclaimed. I barely heard Sam order some wolves to get Paul away from the beach to cool down. The humans kept their distance when a roar was heard. I felt a bit more safe knowing my mate was here. He would make sure I would be okay and safe. I'm sure everyone else felt alert and maybe scared in case that threatening roar was meant for them.

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