Chapter 33

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Getting up I tried to appease the two women first. "Ma'am please forgive me. I didn't know you wished to enjoy a stroll through the gardens and chose to take my father here for our talk. We will leave you to your peaceful enjoyment."

"How dare you disrespect my sister and I? Address us the proper way girl! Perhaps we should feed from the human as punishment." She growled. Okay peaceful negotiation is off the tables. Looking around, I didn't see an easy way out either. they could easily jump me if I tried to leave with Charlie.

"Dad, you have to listen to everything I tell you to do. Okay? There is no room for being stubborn right now." I made sure to let him hear how serious I was.

"Something wrong?" He asked probably very confused.

"I'll tell you later. For now just sit tight and don't move. If it helps close your eyes and ears as a fight between vampires might be overwhelming for you." I instructed him. 

"Okay, I'll trust your judgement." He said. He closed his eyes and covered his ears sitting perfectly still. I let my vampire self take over with the need to protect him very high. I couldn't, and wouldn't let this man whom still seemed to accept me as his child even though we weren't blood-related get hurt if I had any way to protect him.

I felt a current run through my left hand and something made me touch the ground while I thought of wanting a shield to keep him from harm. The ground moved and rose building a stone wall of sorts around Charlie. Not having time to question it, I turned to the women whom seemed shocked at what happened. Quickly I tackled them both and tried to do the same I did with the wall though now thinking of having them bound to each other to distract them. The current ran through my hand again and they seemed to melt together.

"Unbind us!" Nope not gonna happen. I broke the wall around Charlie, picked him up and ran inside. I moved to the throne room knowing the kings would have to deal with their mates. Bursting inside, I put Charlie down and tapped his shoulder lightly. He still had eyes closed. He looked around and then at me.

"What is the meaning of this!" Caius demanded to know.

"Your wives threatened my father." I showed Aro what happened and he seemed shocked at something. Felix joined my side checking me over.

"You're not hurt are you?" He was concerned.

"No, I kept a fight from happening but something odd did happen." I assured him. The look on his face turned to relief.

"I'm glad." The doors burst open once more. The queens were still bound together at their arms as they ran in. I pulled Charlie behind me to keep him safe while Felix did somewhat the same with me. It was pure instinct for him so I let it be.

"Sulpicia? What happened? Why are you out of the tower?" Aro asked one of them.

"Athenodora and I wanted to enjoy the gardens when we ran into those two trespassers. The harlot was very rude and did this to us when we wanted to punish her for it." The woman addressed as Sulpicia, Aro's mate, answered surprisingly honest. She probably knows lying won't work.

"You know staying in the tower is best for you. Not even the gardens are safe and you know it." Wait, are they kept in their tower like Rapunzel?

"I'm sorry." Both mates apologized.

"Go back to your rooms. Now." He ordered.

"Perhaps Leona should free them first, Aro." Marcus suggested.

"I don't know how. I don't know what happened." I admitted.

"Just like when you protected yourself from Maylene and when you built that wall around your father." Aro added. "Demetri, please take Charlie to his room for some rest. I'm sure everything that happened must be quite exhausting to work through." Demetri bowed and got Charlie to follow him. I heard him assure Charlie I wasn't in trouble but that what might happen might put him in more danger.

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