Chapter 1

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"Dear passengers, please fasten your seatbelts, we are about to land in a moment." Finally, I would see my family again after six years. When the plane landed, I got my handbag and left to get the rest. Once I had everything, I followed my commander to the sliding doors of the gate. 

There he turned to me and saluted. "Sergeant Swan, I thank you on behalf of the country and the Army for your magnificent service even if you were younger than allowed when you joined." He said with a pointed look.

"Thank you, sir. Also, for letting me stay despite my age. Perhaps we'll meet again but that won't be for a few years." I saluted back. Commander Maxfield had been my mentor throughout my entire time at the base. We parted and I found my father and my sister.

I thought maybe Renee would've been here as well "Leona, there you are!" Charlie called. Bella looked embarrassed at our dad's enthusiasm.

"Hi dad, it's good to see you again." I hugged the man back happily.

"Hello Leona." Turning to my sister, I still couldn't believe how she had grown since I last saw her. During my time away I didn't have a lot of contact with her, aside from letters.

I hugged her too. "Bella! I almost didn't recognize you with how pretty you have become." She blushed and I was glad that her shyness hadn't changed. "Perhaps it's a good thing I came back, so I can keep the boys away from my dearest sister." The look she gave me was amusing to see.

 "Please don't." We left for the car, when I asked what had bothered me.

"Mom didn't come?" I hadn't seen her around. Charlie hesitated. That told me enough. "She still hates me, doesn't she?" That question had brought the mood down a little.

"Hate is a strong word. She just doesn't like you. Besides she is really busy travelling with Phil." Bella answered instead.

"Who's Phil?" I asked. That name hadn't been in any letter.

"Her new boyfriend. He is a baseball player. They travel around a lot, that is why I chose to live with Dad as well. So, they have more freedom." In the car Charlie informed me that I had been enrolled into the senior year of high school since I never really finished it. Bella told me about the other students.

"So, Mike and Ben are jocks, Mike is like a desperate puppy as is Eric. Ben is an okay guy." I repeated to make sure I understood.

"Yes. What about the girls?" She asked.

"Hmm, Lauren is a mean one, she is interested in Eric, Jessica is sometimes okay but jealous when it comes to Mike and Angela is with Ben and a really nice one." I answered her.

"Correct." Yay A+ for that.

"Anyone else I should know about?" I asked her.

"There are the Cullen kids." Charlie mentioned. 

"Who?" Didn't know that name yet either. And I remembered most families from my childhood.

"The Cullens. Doctor and Mrs. Cullen adopted five kids. They all go to your school." He answered.

"Tell me about them." I asked them.

"Rosalie, Emmett and Jasper are the eldest. Rosalie and Jasper are brother and sister like you and I. Emmett is related to the two younger ones, Edward and Alice. They don't really talk much to others, keeping mostly to themselves." Bella explained.

"Is it a clique thing?" I wondered if this was some cliché high school thing.

"Not exactly. But no one really knows." She explained. "Oh, and you can ride with me until you get your own vehicle and after you settled down, I'll take you shopping for school supplies and Forks proof clothes." I would need those indeed.

"Ah thanks, I don't know what I would do without you." I smiled in gratitude.

"I went ahead and got your bank account opened up on your behalf, just like you had requested when you told us you were coming home." Charlie added.

"Thanks dad." At the house they helped me take my luggage inside and Charlie had said that me riding with Bella wouldn't be for very long. My room hadn't changed much. Only my bed had been renewed and my childhood toys had been taken to a shop for second hand stuff. Except for a stuffed dog I had gotten from Charlie as his first gift for me.

"I made sure to upgrade your sheets and pillow as well, Charlie didn't really think of that." Bella told me dropping off a suitcase.

"Thanks." That would be something Charlie would forget about.

"You must be tired after such a long flight. Why don't you nap a little and I'll prepare lunch? We can go shopping after." I nodded and they left. Instead of sleeping, I unpacked as I had slept on the plane. Once I was finished, I made a mental note of what I needed for my room to make it feel like my own space. I wrote it down too, along with supplies I needed for school and clothes I needed to be Forks proof. 


I hope you'll enjoy this new fanfic of mine like I do writing it.

Please comment what you think of it whether you do or don't like it. I do enjoy reading what you think of certain parts or chapters. though I do ask to be constructive (Is that how you say it?) with criticism so I can learn from it considering English is not my first language nor is writing stories something I studied.

Just don't request faster updates. I can only update in the weekends as I have quite a busy time ahead with exams and stuff in my personal life. and considering this story is a work in progress I cannot simply copy/paste what I wrote plus it is my goal to not let this fanfic be as cringe-worthy as my previous one.

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