Chapter 37

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"Sunny and warm. So different from Forks." I answered shortly.

"Did they treat you okay?"

"Yes. Most were actually not as bad as you all made them out to be. Can you keep a secret I am not yet ready share with everyone?" I asked them all.

"Of course. Edward isn't that hard to avoid." They promised.

"Alice had been right with her excuses of leaving me there. I found happiness there." Alice looked at me knowingly, Rose with surprised shock and Emmett had just been able to keep the car on the road.

"You met someone? Who? Is he human? A vampire? A local? Do the Volturi know?" Rose fired off questions.

"I met a guy, He is Italian and the Volturi know and approve. As does Charlie." I shared and that was about all I shared. I shared a look with Alice questioning her silently. She shook her head. She hadn't talked about my mate. Good. I smiled approvingly. So she was able to keep things hidden. She learned.

"If the Volturi approve, does that mean he's a vampire?" Emmett asked.

"Yes... Okay fine there is something else you should probably know which cannot be shared yet with people not in this car. I want to tell them myself when I feel ready for it. Alice probably knows but I asked her via Jasper not to tell you yet, so don't be mad at her." I warned them off.

"What is it?" I took a deep breath. 

"I am not human anymore myself. I was turned because a jealous lower guard member stabbed me to death with my own knife. I wouldn't have survived being moved to a hospital nor was I able to wait for other medical care. That was about the only exception I had discussed as to when I would be turned. I hope you can understand, Rose." She nodded though quite shocked at my story and maybe at how casual I sounded.

"Wait so when Charlie went to Italy, you were a newborn?" Rose asked still in shock.

"I woke up the day he came." I was honest Emmett had to stop the car to not crash.

"How did you not attack him?" He got really interested I think.

"Self control. My mate made sure I was fed before even leaving the room I woke up in plus I never was fully alone around Charlie. And he is about the only human I would never dare to even think of hurting. Oh he knows everything by the way." They seemed proud of me keeping myself from hurting the human that meant most to me.

"We know. He came back and bolted Bella's window. They fought about Edward coming by at night as the creep he was and that's when he spilled he knew. Said he was an honorary member of our world or something?" Alice asked.

"Oh thank god. At least I won't have to keep that hidden. Yes he has special permission, as the kings were impressed with his no-nonsense attitude. and he won't have to be killed or turned. I did explain who he could talk to about all this if he needed to. He was mostly happy he didn't have to keep it from the Black family and Sue." I smiled at how happy he looked when I told him that.

"Okay, annoying songs in your minds, girls. Edward is within hearing reach again as we're here." Emmett advised. I whispered thank you to Alice. She smiled a small smile understanding what I meant.

"Leona, I hope you don't mind but your father asked if we could house you while you're here. Your room has been used by Seth and Leah Clearwater." Probably to make sure Edward wouldn't come in through my room.

"I see. Well if it's no trouble then I don't mind." I answered. She seemed happy.

"Let me show you your room." Esme said. I took my bags and followed her to the house. Edward's Piano was still colorful. That impressed me. I imagined he would've replaced it by now. My room was on the same floor as Edward and now Jasper's too. We both had gotten our own rooms there. My room was simple. She had used natural materials and colors for the design.

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