Chapter 26

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Back in La Push

The wolves were having lunch when a phone rang. "Hello, Leona? Where are you? Jacob said something about you leaving with your sister and one of the Cullens to save Edward." Paul answered the call. The others looked on, concerned for their missing human friend. Paul's face showed he was shocked and somewhat hurt.

"What? Why?" He nearly yelled. Paul began shaking as if he was going to phase. Jared and Embry forced him outside just in case. He had dropped the phone.

"Paul? Hello?" Leona's voice sounded worried.

"Leona, this is Sam, what happened? Paul was talking to you and suddenly he had to be forced outside so he could phase." Sam took the phone and put it on speaker so everyone could hear

"Sam, you have to order him to stay near the house. He might start a fight between the Cullens and the pack." She explained everything to him too. Sam ordered the wolves to phase if they felt the urge but to stay near the house.

"I understand. I'm sorry you and Paul didn't last. You did bring out the best of him." Emily touched his arm in comfort sensing the worry Sam felt for his pack-member and for the girl that had helped take care of them and helped to salvage clothes and shoes where possible.

"As did he to me. Just please make sure he doesn't do anything stupid." The couple could hear the concern she had for hothead of the pack.

"The others are on it. However, I do agree that we can't let this just go unpunished. They left an innocent human in a life-threatening place. A human we consider part of our pack as you have always taken good care of us if Emily couldn't. I promise it won't come to war but we will do something about this. And don't worry about Charlie, He has taken a liking towards Sue which means he is under our protection too." If they could look after the sheriff perhaps she could focus on finding a way to come home safely.

"Thank you, Sam. For everything. You are a good Alpha. Goodbye." She had said it before when he was slightly worried about all the drama with Jacob and Bella and the red-head vampire.

"Goodbye Leona." Sam hung up and gave Emily the phone before going outside. All he heard before the door closed was "Give them hell Sam. They hurt one of ours." Sam put a few feet distance between him and the house before phasing and howling for a pack-meeting.

The whole pack showed up at their usual meeting place. "What happened?"

"Leona left with Bella and a Cullen to safe Edward. She was forced to stay behind as leverage for Bella being turned into a vampire or be killed for knowing of the existence." He explained.

"What? We should kill them! They put a human in danger to save their own glittery asses!" Embry answered and some agreed.

"No. we can't risk a war with them. Not with that red-head running around as well." Sam countered. 

"We can take them easily enough." Paul protested.

"I agree. We are with more than they are." Leah agreed. She had just begun warming up to the girl who didn't treat her as either annoying or as someone delicate.

"We will punish the Cullens for what they did but we will not risk losing some of our own while doing so. Now calm down and let us plan this properly." Sam ordered.

"Pixie-chick cannot see the future that involves us. I remember her saying so before they left." Jacob offered up as information. He had remembered how she had shared that bit while insulting them.

"That could help. Do we really need to punish them all though? I mean with how Leona seemed to get along with some of them I doubt they all had a say in this." Seth asked.

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