Chapter 27

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On their way home, Esme fussed a little over Edward with Carlisle while Rosalie and Emmett had sped ahead to make their threat to Alice come true. The Major was thinking about everything that just transpired while 'talking' to Jasper. The two sides made a conclusion realizing that neither of them felt bad for Alice losing her arm nor did either feel sad about the prospect of missing their mate. Yes Jasper loved Alice as his mate however the Major did not.

'What does this mean?'

The only reason we are on opposing sides about Alice would be that she isn't our true mate. She isn't to us what Carlisle and Esme are to each other, or Rosalie and Emmett. Even James and Victoria have a true-mated bond if Victoria wants revenge for his death.

'So what do we do now?'

Divorce her, go see Peter and Charlotte for a while, and then go meet our niece. I want to meet our blood-relative.

'You do know they won't allow the vegetarian diet.'

Good. We will reach full potential with our gift if we turn back to human diet.

'I will need to think about going back to that.'

Fine. the Major allowed Jasper to take back control having calmed down.

In the meantime they had arrived at the house choosing to check out what had happened to the Piano and Edward's car. Edward entered the house first and once he saw his piano he fell on his knees in shock. The bench's legs were painted in bright neon colors like pink, and yellow, with a floral pattern. The cushion he would sit on had in the same color palette Leona's favorite nickname for him painted on it surrounded by small flowers.

The piano too was painted and there were stickers put on it. Some bits didn't look as refined as the bench did. The piano's keys were painted too in a rainbow fashion.

"There's a note here." Carlisle had picked up a small piece of paper.

"To Edweirdo.

Perhaps bringing this color in your life will make you less of a stuck-up, broody son of a bitch and stop you from leaving women in the dangerous woods with a broken heart.


Paul and Leona." The doctor had to hide a smile as this was indeed something Leona would do. Hopefully she could find it in her heart to forgive them for leaving her the way they did.

"There's something on the back." Esme pointed. They turned the paper.

Ps. For all Cullens are small gifts waiting in their rooms. For Edward though a third gift is waiting in the garage." she read. That made the vampires run to their own rooms grab the gifts and return to check it all out.

"She has certainly been busy." Emmett said seeing all his human friend had done. He was a little proud. She had been mature enough to not just smash the whole place out of anger.

"Hearing aids for Carlisle as you seem to have trouble to listen to anyone else but Edward and Alice." Esme read the note that had come with her husband's gift.

"An Italian cuisine cookbook for Esme, I hope my sister and I can taste your cooking someday again. Thank you for being a motherly figure I never had." Carlisle read the note on Esme's cookbook. Leona clearly wasn't mad at the mother figure.

"For Emmett. A book on tactics. You'll need it if you ever hope to beat Jasper."

"For Rosalie, a pair of shoes. I hope yours didn't ruin having touched Edward's face."

"For Jasper. A history book I noticed you missed in your collection. I hope we can talk someday without pixie interfering." Alice read the note from Jasper's gift.

"For Alice. A blindfold. Perhaps if you didn't rely on 'seeing' so much you would be less of a bitch to deal with." Jasper read.

"She didn't give me anything aside from the Piano and my car but Bella went nuts in my room.

"She gave you a book as well though. 'Lessons on equality.' Very fitting don't you think?" Rose said putting the book in front of her one-armed brother.

"Yeah I deserve it." Edward had slowly begun to really feel bad for what he had done to the Swan girls. Both had been through a lot before and after meeting the Cullens and then they up and left without so much as a goodbye clearly underestimating the bonds both girls had made with them.

"Let's see your car then. Take it for a spin to see what changed." Emmett sighed. He was glad at least Edward was realizing the effect their leaving had on the girls.

"Let's go." Once in the garage they all were in shock and some burst out laughing.

Edward's precious silver Volvo looked like it came straight out of a parade. It had been painted brightly in the color scheme of the Pride flag. It had all kinds of symbols on it too.

"To go with your Piano.

Learn to see the world in color rather than in the black and white way you grew up with. Perhaps it will loosen you up and make you a more enjoyable person." Esme read.

"These gifts are very fitting aren't they?" Rosalie commented. "She really thought these through. That is before the big betrayal."

"Alice we need to talk." Jasper

"I know. I already called for the papers. You were correct in your conclusion. I apologize for letting it drag on so long. Having been put in my place by the wolves and Leona made me think about all I have done wrong. Like underestimating what she meant to you and the others."

"Hold up what is going on?" Emmett asked confused.

"We're divorcing. Alice is not my true mate." Jasper answered. It surprised the vampires that didn't read his mind. 

"Don't worry. This is a mutual decision. I will still take my punishment and remain a Cullen if you'll have me. Perhaps I can learn to be less of an all-seeing bitch by taking some time for myself." Alice assured the family.

None of the vampires noticed that them seeing Leona's gifts had been filmed by the wolves. By the time Edward noticed their thoughts it was too late. The wolves were gone. "Leona will want to see this." Jared said. Leah whom had accompanied him as his getaway form of transport while he handled the camera, nodded agreeing.


The last bit about what happened in Forks. this all happened the day the rest of the Cullens came back and which is the first full day Leona spend in Volterra after talking to the kings.

Next chapter Leona gets to see the video sent by the pack and her day out in the city. 

Have a nice week!!

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