Chapter 11

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The vampires all gathered where we were with Alice a bit anxious. "I didn't expect them to come but they turned around when we were playing. They must have heard us." She explained.

"Can we get the girls away in time?" Esme asked.

"Not without being noticed." I made Bella tie her hair so it wouldn't spread her scent if the wind blew through it. I also made her wear the hood so my scent would mix with hers. Hopefully it would help somehow.

"Okay we can distract them, while Edward takes you home." Carlisle said turning to Bella and me.

Now I was curious. 'Edward are there other vampires coming?' He nodded looking worried.

'Red eyed ones?' nodding slightly again, I sighed. My gut feeling had been right then.

"Here they come." Alice spoke and we were surrounded in a protective formation of the vampires without being obvious. Four vampires came walking out from the bushes. Immediately my training kicked in and I assessed each of them. There was a red headed woman, about Rose's built but she seemed more agile. The man walking at the front as if he was the leader was dark-skinned and haired. However he didn't really walk like it was natural to be upfront for him.

He isn't the real leader. That seemed to be the blond with a low ponytail. He was assessing our group searching for weaknesses. The way that the redhead was moving along with the blonde made me think they could be mates. The blonde made me think of a hunter. The three seemed to live not like the Cullens. More like nomads? Were they the ones behind the odd deaths I had heard about from Charlie?

The fourth member of the group, was perhaps the worst one. I recognized him from that one time I had visited him in prison, just to meet him. He had my color of hair, my eyes and lips. He was practically a male version of me. That man is... my biological father. Edward relayed everything to the others quickly. Jasper patted my head lightly.

"Good job on your assessment. I was sensing some of your observations through their emotions." He said sounding a little impressed.

"Welcome. We didn't expect you to stay in our territory as long as you did." Carlisle took charge.

"We were just passing through, we got curious as we heard you play and we found this. This is your territory?" The woman asked as she passed a ball.

"Yes we have lived here for years now." He answered.

"How is that possible?" The supposed leader asked.

"We can discuss this later if you are genuinely interested. Let me introduce my family first. These are Rosalie and Emmett and Leona. Jasper and Alice, Edward and Bella and my mate Esme and I'm Carlisle." He had made sure to introduce us in groups. Smart.

"I'm Laurent, these are Victoria, James and Frank." The fake leader said.

"Can we join the game?" James asked.

"Sure. Edward, Bella and Leona were just leaving." He said.

"I must warn you. I'm a mean pitcher." Victoria quipped with a smirk.

"Oh I am willing to bat on us winning." Jasper joked. We were about to leave as Carlisle had said when the wind blew strongly and our hoods fell off. James picked our scents up.

"You brought snacks?" James seemed like one of those characters in some game who get told not to touch the freshly baked pie.

"No. Leona and Bella are family." Carlisle's reaction was stern but if James was a real hunter, like I thought he was, he wouldn't care.

"James don't do this. Don't pick a fight." Once more it was proven Laurent wasn't the leader. He tried to make James listen but he was easily ignored.

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