Chapter 41

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I went back to the house after about two hours of napping and catching up with the pack. Once back there, I only had time to open the door before I was tackled. By Edward. Someone wants to lose limbs again. "I can take you on." I snorted.

"No. you can't. Your gift if known is easy to use against you. But even without that, you forget, I have fought humans and vampires while I was human myself. I have trained with the higher guard members and Jasper, sometimes at the same time. What exactly makes you think I would be beatable by the likes of you?" I asked genuinely curious how he got that dumb idea.

"Stay away from Bella. You are a monster incapable of controlling your vampire side. You probably manipulated the wolves into letting you live." He may be tall than me but he wasn't intimidating when I was human and he certainly wasn't now.

"I am not the manipulator, Edward, you are. For once think about what exactly you have done since you met Bella." Jasper and Rose pulled him away from me.

"Leona, are you okay now?" Esme asked.

"Better. I'm sorry for my outburst. I'm just tired of all this happening, I miss my mate and I think I need to feed so Carlisle I'm raiding your stash." I said.

"Why not go hunt animals?" The doctor asked.

"And lose control over my gift? No thank you. Besides I don't need to completely drain someone to get full." Marcus had discussed my feeding habits with me and he had explained it. If I fed from Animals, my gift takes control of me.

"I see. Follow me." He let me have a bag which I stuck a straw in. "I am not mad at you for being angry. Just proud you kept yourself from turning violent." I smiled a small smile.

The rest of the week, Edward kept watching me as if trying to find proof, that I was indeed the monster he claimed I was. Bella did the same, when I visited Charlie. Felix wanted to kill Edward for trying to attack me but I assured him it wasn't worth the hassle of building a fire. When I learned where the fight took place I made a couple of plans myself.

Today was the last few hours before the fight and I was helping Charlie load in some fishing gear. He and the council would be going out for the weekend. Bella had been making some food for on the road and I was just packing it in lunchboxes.

"Geeze you both should calm down a little. You are sisters. And both will live a long time in the same world, so you better make up what ever happened." Charlie said.

"Good point, dad. But we doubt it will happen anytime soon. Besides, I am not in this upcoming war for Bella. I have decided to give up on wanting to fight for her. She has a mate that is apparently perfectly capable to do that. I'm fighting to help make sure the wolves get home and to make sure the mysterious deaths stop happening." I said.

"At least look out for each other okay? I have to go, but I want to see you both again when I get back."

"Sure dad. Have a great trip." I hugged him gently though he returned the gesture in a tighter embrace. I kissed his cheek and then stepped aside. Bella hugged him as well and we were soon joined by the Clearwater family. Seth and Leah said their goodbyes to Sue.

"Sue, I promise you to do anything to keep your kids and the pack safe. They might get roughed up but no one on our side will die." I promised her.

"Thank you. That means a lot coming from you. After we get back you need to join one of our legend telling bonfires. You should know something." She said even daring to hug me. The two drove off and we left for the field where Bella left her scent before joining Edward on the mountain.

My heart felt lighter when I noticed their presence. "Are we late for the party?" an accented voice spoke up. The Volturi have joined. Felix was here.

"You are just in time. Any news?" I hugged them all.

"This seems bigger than thought. So we had the order to help out." Alec answered, bored. "They are getting closer by the way."

"Sam, wolves, please don't go after these four. They are allies like the two Jasper brought in." Paul looked between Felix and I before tilting his head. I nodded once with a small smile.

The wolves sniffed them to make sure they could recognize the four on the field. "Leona? Are these the shifters you talked about?" Demetri asked. 

"Yes. They mean a lot to me so please don't hurt them." I said before the Major took charge and said everyone was to get in position. 

"Major, want to pull a 300 move?" I meant the one from the movie 300. I suggested making the newborn run into a tube like thing so we could just pick them off a few at a time instead of the whole group crashing into us at once.

"No. Just do what we do best." And so the fight began. It was indeed a larger army than before. But no red-head. There was a woman watching from the sidelines as we did our best while the wolves entered the fight. I used my right hand to literally break the newborn vampires into pieces though it was taking quite some energy. Rose and I teamed up a couple of times along with Leah. Though eventually I got separated realizing that the army was led by not one or two, but three vampires. I saw two shouting orders from the sidelines. It was truly far bigger than thought. A second wave of newborn was on its way.

"Major! A second wave is coming in two seconds!" I warned.

"Spike them!" He ordered. Using both my hands and all my energy, I created a wall of spikes around the battlefield with only small opening you had to either jump over the spikes or use the opening to enter the field. While doing so, I had no way of defending myself against the incoming attack of two newborn.

One male newborn grabbed me around my waist while a female came from the front and tried to punch my head off. That one got tackled by two wolves and killed, while the other was ripped away from me with a roar that meant certain death was coming for those whom attacked his mate.

Felix ripped him apart like the newborn was made of paper. "Mate?" He asked looking me over for wounds. His gaze on me was still hard from being in fight mode, but there was this need to protect in them and concern.

"I'm fine. Thanks to you and the wolves. No time for rest though." I had noticed that two girls hadn't joined the fight. They were guarded by Esme and Carlisle. I went there using the tree they sat up against to make a cage around them. Major noticed them too and when he locked eyes with the older looking one, he snarled at Carlisle to move away.

"Don't be scared. You won't be harmed if you stay in here. I promise." They nodded clearly scared and confused.

"Major, you are still needed. Esme can stick with them. Your mate is protected. I promise." I assured him. He stared at Esme as if trying to instill a promise of pain, if harm came to his mate, and then he went back to the fight. Peter and Charlotte acted as extra guards killing the newborn coming for the cage, so I could focus on something different. 

Helping Quil get rid of his attackers. I pulled one off and cut his head off with my knife, as I had little energy left to use my gift. Embry had helped his friend with the other. The twins worked really well together with Sam and Jared. They would use their gifts, to incapacitate the vampires, while the wolves would rip them apart.

Now it was time to find the ones in charge. Victoria probably went up to Edward and Seth, using this fight so we wouldn't notice. But the other ones...

"Third wave coming in!" Damn it. We were so close to being done. Luckily this wave was the smallest. Only about ten newborn and two elder vampires.

"EVERYONE STEP BACK" I used the last remnants of my energy, knowing I would definitely need to feed soon. I created traps that swallowed most of the newborn's bodies leaving their heads sticking out as if they were caught in stone flytraps. Our side quickly dealt with the last newborn capturing the elders for interrogation. 

Once it was truly over, I felt like I was about to pass out from exhaustion. I turned everything I had changed back to how it was and dropped down on my knees. Rosalie helped me to get up and walk but my legs were shaky. 


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