Chapter 40

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When I got back, I was tackled. By the one person that hadn't apologized yet. Edward. "What the hell Edward?"

"You are keeping something from us. Who says you aren't a threat? Maybe you work with Victoria." He was pulled off of me by Emmett and Jasper.

"If you have patience, you will get your answers tomorrow but let me assure, I am not so stupid to work with the bitch. Why would I? I can take you all down myself. Now if you'll excuse me, I am off to bed. Oh and you better take the fight seriously. For Victoria isn't alone leading the army. Jasper's sire is coming too. She's the one behind the disappearances in Portland. Goodnight."

"Wait-" He was about to come after me up the stairs. I whipped around with a growl startling him.

"Goodnight." I went upstairs and paced before I sat down on the bench with a huff. I could hear the family arguing. Tuning them out I went to bed, and slept until someone was so rude as to wake me.

"Leona, the training is starting soon. Come on." Opening my eyes I saw Jasper. Stretching, I got down from my bed and got changed into shorts and shirt. Going downstairs I found cereal and coffee waiting. After eating breakfast and doing the dishes, I left the house with Jasper just when a car parked in the front.

"Who..." I was about to ask.

"Major! Are we late of the big reveal?" Oh, I think I know who they are.

"No you're not. Peter, Charlotte, come meet Leona first." I greeted them acting a bit cold because I was still annoyed with Edward after what he did last night. I also didn't really know them yet so for now I kept some distance.

At the clearing where the Cullens played Baseball before, introductions were made and then the wolves arrived. "They don't trust us to come in human form." Speak for yourself Edward. I thought as Paul came at my side and Jacob did the same with Bella.

"They are here, that's what matters." Carlisle said. He asked Edward to translate for them before he started us off. He talked about the army of Newborn vampires that was coming.

"What makes newborn different?" Edward asked for the wolves.

"Jasper can explain that much better." Major took over and he explained how newborn vampires are stronger and faster due to their own blood in their systems. About how they run on instinct more often than older vampires.

"Emmett demonstrates their behavior best so he can show you." Jasper gestured for Emmett to get ready.

"Aw, but Major. Why would you ask for a fake newborn when you have the real thing right here?" I asked him pointing at myself.

"Well you are a different newborn. You actually aren't as mindless when fighting. Emmett first." He explained.

"Fine." Emmett and Jasper fought. Jasper won of course.

"Leona, you are a newborn vampire?" Esme asked.

"Sort of. A jealous lower guard stabbed me to death, after causing other problems. My mate turned me, but I am not a mere newborn vampire the way Jasper described them. I'll show you, perhaps than you'll understand." I answered her, but Esme and Carlisle were shocked.

"So when Charlie came to Italy?" Esme wanted to ask.

"Leona your turn." Saved by the bell. I stretched and got ready before dropping down and touch the ground with my left hand using the stone in the ground to cuff the major's feet before charging for his arms wanting to rip one off. He broke free and caught me, but I flipped him over my back and kept him down using the grass to grow and wrap around him as vines, before changing my hand into a knife about to cut his head off.

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