Chapter 10

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I frowned at his claims of being the better person. "There are three things completely wrong with your statement. Let me guess you come from an era that was before women got a voice to be heard?" I asked. I think he was at least from before women got voting rights. 

"Yes, so are Carlisle and Jasper. Esme and Alice were turned around the time when that began and Rose and Emmett both are from after." He replied still sounding holier-than-thou. I kind of wanted to smack him for it but he wasn't worth the broken hand.

"Let's ask them how they feel about what you just said, shall we?" I walked away to do just that. The answers were interesting.

"While vampires are physically stronger and faster, that doesn't make them the better species. A good example is Emmett. As for the superior sex, I was taught to never go against my mother as behind every great man is an even greater woman. And age wise I am on Leona's side as well. You are stuck as a teenager whereas she is considered an adult. None of us except for Carlisle and Esme are older than her physically and maybe mentally. Yes, our immortal lives give us more time to experience everything but we won't really grow up more." Jasper answered.

"I agree with Jasper." Rose said. Most of them did actually. "I'm surprised Leona didn't smack you for such a terrible comment." I explained why and she understood but joked she would gladly lend a hand next time.

"I agree with Edward though." Alice answered. "Bella shouldn't know everything. Don't get me wrong, I do see her as one of us but if she knows everything already, she will only rush to make that choice possibly without fully understanding what she'll lose." Now that is a reason I could be somewhat agreeable with. It sounds way more reasonable at least.

"Then you don't know her well enough. Yes, she'll want to be turned soon but only to stay around Edward's age so he wouldn't think she is too old for him. What she doesn't realize is that she is already older mentally. Bella had to grow up really fast as Renee needed taking care of instead of the other way around." I replied.

"Wait, you see Bella with us, as one of us, but what about Leona?" Rose had picked up on that as well. 

"I don't see her in our long-term future. Which means either she isn't with us, or she is dead. I haven't really looked into it as something more exciting is coming up. A thunderstorm." Alice smiled knowingly.

"Really?" Emmett asked getting excited for some odd reason. What is so exciting about a thunderstorm?

"Yes." she nodded with a smile.

"WOOHOO we get to play again!" Emmett cheered with Jasper.

"Play what?" It sounded like sports. Sports are fun. Then again vampire version might not be playable for me.

"Baseball, will you come and watch?" he asked.

"Sure, I'm assuming it isn't possible for me to play?" I pouted. it made me feel like someone pretending to offer me a chicken wing only to eat it themselves.

"No, sorry. This is the vampire version. Us hitting the ball results in sounds that equal that of thunder. That's why we only play during storms." Carlisle explained amused at my act.

"I don't really play either. I am the umpire." Esme shushed me.

"She thinks we cheat." Emmett said rolling his eyes.

"Knowing you, you probably do. I would love to see it though." His pout at me agreeing with Esme was amusing.

"Good. Now to convince Bella to come." They turned to find Bella coming into the room.

"I'm coming too. It sounds like more fun than watching sports with Charlie." she answered when asked. I think Edward had convinced her somehow. 

 Edward was pretty excited about their game as well. "Great, we'll pick you two up on Saturday. Dress warm." If only I had known what Saturday would bring.

Charlie thought it funny that Bella would rather play a game of sports with the family than watch a professional game with him. He didn't expect anything else from me.

"I see Rosalie has failed in making you be more feminine, but I guess that's just how you are." he said as we were putting on boots.

"You're right. Does it disappoint you?" I hoped it wouldn't. very few people's opinions of me mattered to me. Charlie was one of the few.

"No. I would rather you be yourself and be happy, than that you would try and change who you are to make others happy." he assured me. That made me happy enough to hug him.

"Thanks Dad." By mistake I was wearing Bella's coat and she was wearing mine. I had tied my hair to avoid it getting in my eyes as I didn't want to miss a thing. Emmett and Edward picked us up with Emmett driving. 

"Team blondie vs. team brunette?" I suggested team-names. It was Jasper, Rose and Carlisle vs Edward, Emmett. Alice would pitch for both.

Both Bella and I would take turns to help Esme with making sure they play fair. Something had made me decide to take my knife with me. It was like my gut was telling me something was going to happen. I had it hidden in my boot. The ride to the baseball-field was filled with Emmett and I coming up with team names.

In the end as they had the field laid out, it was decided team Blondie vs team brunette was the best. Rose pulled a face, but I commented it was just meant as an affectionate insult. Like how I call Emmett an idiot sometimes but never when I'm upset.

The game was fun to watch. Emmett had run me around the field just to show me how big it really was. As a form of warm up he had also demonstrated how loud the hits sounded. They really loved this. Carlisle seemed more the age he really was as he played, and sometimes I think they were trying show off. Suddenly Alice called an end to the game. "STOP!" And time seemed freeze for a second.


I think we can all guess what is about to come. At least if you have read the books or watched the movies. If you haven't... you'll find out next week.

On another note... The Alchemist has reached over 3000 reads and over 100 votes! Thank you all for your support and interest so far. it makes me feel happy and even a little proud that people seem to enjoy what I write.

Of course let me know what you think of the story so far.

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